Uses Toys&Love v2.62 & latest verion of AE
Heard about Collections on Nexus? Looking for an easy way to try the Toys&Love experience? Ok, but you still need to follow the steps below :)
Toys&Love Has a Collection: Toys&Love Family of Mods
This gives you the framework, 5 content & quest mods, 7 Toy Boxes, 3 Love Packs, and 2 Music Packs. Everything you need for Bondage, Love Scenes, and Questing
- Toys&Love supports LE, SE, and AE
- Toys&Love supports these bodies: CBBE, CBBE 3ba, and BHUNP
However, this Collection is only for the latest version of AE with CBBE 3ba
AE version 1.6.640
CBBE 3ba Body and its requirements
As with almost any Collection, you must start a new game. Why? See Golden Rule
Some commonly required utility mods are included. Chances are you already have them. They are for AE version 1.6.640 only, hence the pre-requisite
HoT&WeT is included. It has a Toy Box that works without Frostfall. If you want wet, warming, overheating, and quests to work, Frostfall/Campfire are required and are included as optional for that purpose.
After Installing the collection you MUST:
Use the Vortex Purge option, then Re-Deploy. This is for good reason and not the only collection specifying it to compensate for some Vortex problems
Build Bodyslide - Batch build the 5 groups each starting with "Toy" and "HoT" Building toys in Bodyslide
Generate FNIS - watch for errors, they must be corrected if any
As with almost any Collection, you must start a new game. Why? See Golden Rule
Once in-game, after startup notifications have ended... Run the Toys&Love MCM - Setup Tab - Installation Test, to confirm you've installed requirements correctly
You might want to check for other available add-ons for the Toys family. For example, there are offsite voice packs available. Everything is listed here... Toys Family of Mods