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Shout Like a Virgin Evolved

Includes the Virgin Toy Box


Dibella, the Goddess of Beauty and Love, and Nocturnal, the Daedric Mistress of the Night, both have a little too much time on their hands. What they also have in common is their love for beautiful virgins. Dibella, keen to promote the erotic arts, promotes the deflowering of virgins. Nocturnal prefers that virgins stay pure since she needs to sacrifice lovely pure maidens to replenish her powers.


Thus when they both heard that after centuries, there's a Dragonborn in Skyrim, they could not resist making a wager, Nocturnal vowing to keep the Dragonborn pure, and Dibella pledging to influence lost virginity.

Nocturnal lurks in the shadows and waits to detect and seduce the Dragonborn when she shouts. It's said that a virgin shout, is the most powerful shout. Meanwhile, Dibella takes a more passive approach to influencing the Dragonborn.


Shout Like a Virgin Evolved Highlights Video

Shout Like a Virgin Evolved Tips Video

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