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Toys Framework_Moment.jpg


3 in 1 Framework - Bondage / Love Scenes / Rousing


- Insignia, Ancient, and Chaotic Toy Boxes

- Toys Love Pack

Toys Love_Moment(3).jpg


Toys&Love is three Frameworks in one... Bondage, Love Scenes, and Rousing. These are tightly integrated.

Bondage - Equips toys from Toy Boxes, with numerous effects and escape methods.

Love Scenes - Plays scenes using animations from Love Packs and the widely available SLAL Animation Packs. A complete alternative to other animation frameworks.

Rousing - Tracks rousing level, triggering Spontaneous Orgasms, effects on toys, and climax during love scenes. Use Fondle to increase rousing, or deny to stop from losing it. Overuse will cause you to become oversexed making this harder to do. If used right you may achieve Simultaneous Orgasm, and manage beneficial effects that scale to rousing.
All of the above can be accessed by mods with
easy to use API.

Love Scene Video
In this video, Love Scene content is demoed from SLAL Animation Packs. The Packs are available separately from many authors. Toys&Love does not provide the content, it's the animation scene player. This allows you to pick and choose the scenes of your taste.

Toys&Love Features

  1. Toy Boxes

  2. Love Packs & SLAL Animation Packs 

  3. Music Packs

  4. LoveCum Packs

  5. User Interface / Hotkeys

  6. Making Toys / Handling Toys / API / Mod Events

  7. Male/Futa & Beast Compatibility

  8. Spontaneous Orgasm & Fondle

  9. Rousing, Denial, and Oversexed

  10. Love Scenes & Orgies

  11. Toys Effects

  12. Buffs / Debuffs

  13. Voice In My Head

  14. Toy Transformation

  15. Escape Methods

  16. Toy Type Specific Effects

  17. Key Dropping

  18. Toys on NPCs

  19. Visual/Sound Effects & Utility API

Features for Mod Authors

  1. Other Resources

  2. Compile Requirements

  3. Toy Setup & Properties

  4. API - Toy Handling

  5. API - Love Scenes

  6. API - Visual/Sound Effects Functions

  7. API - Utility

  8. Mod Events

  9. Keywords - Buffs

  10. Keywords - Effects

  11. Keywords - Escape Methods

  12. Keywords - Transform Effect​


Bondage Video

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