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Toys&Love - Features

Just starting out with Toys&Love? see... Toys&Love - Tips

Table of Contents

1. Toy Boxes

3 Toy Boxes are included with the framework... Details

Additional toy boxes can be installed separately... Downloads

You can make your own toy box without script... Toy Box Authoring

2. Love Packs & SLAL Animation Packs

  1. Just starting out? Get the Toys Starter LovePack here. This will get you a great variety of love scenes to play with.

  2. Widely available SLAL Animation Packs can be used... Love Packs & SLAL Animation Packs

  3. If using creature SLAL Packs, you will need to install WildLife, to enable wildlife... WildLife

There is no need to load them with a loader, they are instantly seen on Toys&Love's MCM Loves Scenes Tab. You may disable selected scenes in the MCM. Disabled Scenes are stored and remembered even on a new game.

3. Music Packs

Optionally, if you've installed Music Packs, Love Scenes and Custom Scenes play music. The Music is randomly selected... Toys Love & Music Packs

The MCM has low and high-volume settings for the music which can be toggled with a hotkey. If Low Volume is set to 0, the toggle becomes an on/off switch. There's also a chance slider for each music pack.

4. LoveCum Packs

LoveCum Packs provide the texture applied for cum during Love Scenes and Custom Scenes. "Original" comes with Toys&Love. You can replace it with alternatives. Download from the same page with Love & Music Packs.

5. User Interface

Manual Toys Manipulation

The player can equip, unequip, swap, and drop toys in the same manner as vanilla Skyrim armor. There are only pop-up messages if the toy cannot be unequipped, telling you why. If the toy requires a key, and you have the correct key in inventory, the attempt succeeds with notification of unlocking and if the key was consumed in the process. There are non-tedious alternatives to keys, explained in the Escape Methods section.

Hotkeys - Fondle, Deny, Caress, Music, FreeCam, Advance Stage, Scene End, Pivot/Align, Height, Body Light, Disable Currently Playing Scene - See what each does using highlight tips on the MCM Hotkeys tab. You can change hotkey mapping to new buttons including the mouse.

For full details see Hotkeys in Toys&Love

notable MCM features are listed below. There's more

MCM - Experience (XP) - Tracks usage of many features, generating a weighted Total XP. Mods can use the Total XP, or the individual mod events (including additional data such as vaginal, anal, and oral).

MCM - Worn Toys - Toys you wear can be seen, along with their resulting summary of effects. Clicking on a toy switches to a detail view, where you can see all settings, such as escape methods, removal restrictions, effects, and transforms. A mod author can create toys with all features/effects, shown on the detail view, using nothing more than keywords and a few properties.

MCM - Active Effects & Buffs - View all Effects and Buffs from the toys currently worn. You can change the strength (weighting) of the buffs.

MCM - Toys Boxes - Toys from installed Tox Boxes can be seen and equipped if the slot is empty.

MCM - Love Scenes / Matchmaker - The MCM includes a Love Scenes tab, which lets you view the Love Scenes, disable, and play them. Uses auto-matchmaking, and the option to auto-play random scenes, including orgies, using actors near.

MCM - Stripping - Lets you see what's worn in all slots (toys or otherwise), and sets which will strip during scenes.

MCM - Effects - Adjust settings on the numerous effects on toys

6. Making Toys / Handling Toys / API (For Mod authors)

Mod authors can use toys in all Toys Boxes, clone and customize Toys from Toy Boxes included with Toys&Love and Classic Toy Box, or create new toys using their own models, or models they have permission for. If you want to clone a toy from a Toy Box made by another mod author, get their permission.

A mod may equip, unequip, and swap toys, while not conflicting with other mods (playing nice). A mod can also temporarily virtually hide or store toys for a scene. There are options for random toy selection and gender compatibility.

7. Male & Futa Compatibility

Gender Compatibility is built-in to Toys&Love API, and the user interface. A toy cannot be equipped if not compatible with the player.

  • A toy can be specified as compatible for Female Only, Male Only, or both

  • Futa is supported in Love Scenes. This supports the position, strapon, and cum

  • Sounds/voice, and text, are context-specific for gender

8. Spontaneous Orgasm & Fondle

Spontaneous Orgasm

Due to high rousing, you experience an uncontrollable Spontaneous Orgasm. This will disable control of your character, but you can advance or end the scene using hotkeys, just like any Love Scene. You can adjust the chance of this happening, the duration, and the rousing level, in MCM.

There's a chance of a special scene where toy is removed and used in the animations. There's also a "moving orgasm" which is used if hands are tied, and can occur by chance without them tied.

Fondle Thyself

You can't stop fondling yourself, after a recent orgasm, or when your rousing is high. You can adjust the chance of this happening, and the level at which rousing influences it, in MCM.

A hotkey lets you fondle voluntarily. See also... Why can't I stop fondling myself?

9. Rousing, Denial, and Oversexed


Any toy may be configured to contribute to rousing. A Rousing Strength is assigned to each arousing toy.

Over time rousing increases using the total strength of worn toys. You will see the change in the Rousing Bar (widget), and notifications, which can both be adjusted or disabled in the MCM.

SLA Integration (if Sexlab Aroused is installed) - If "Sync with SLA" is enabled, Rousing also changes via other mods that affect arousal directly using SLA. Toys&Love is a significant contributor, but not the only contributor, and uses the term "Rousing" instead of arousal, since when not syncing, these are both separate values.

When your rousing is high enough (as set in MCM), there's a chance of a Spontaneous Orgasm, which may significantly lower your rousing, unless you successfully deny orgasms. The same denial can be used in Love Scenes (including Sexlab if installed), and custom love scenes in other mods.

Rousing Benefits & Detriments

Content mods make use of rousing levels, in various and sometimes significant ways. Within Toys&Love itself, rousing plays a role in climaxes during Love Scenes. Rousing will trigger toy transformations, resulting in different effects, buffs, and escape methods. Many buffs are scaled to rousing. A buff or debuff may get better, or worse, as your rousing increases. Since rousing plays a large role in gameplay, Toys&Love offers interactive ways to try and keep rousing up or increase it, using the following hotkeys.

Denial Hotkey

Use this hotkey (it's set in the MCM) by holding it down during a scene before squirting occurs, to attempt to deny a release. If successful you prevent a decrease in rousing and won't see or hear a squirt. If used often in a short period of time, the chance of failure increases. If you become oversexed, the chance will reach the point of nil. Fondling also contributes to oversexed.

  • Denial in Sexlab Scenes (if installed) behaves the same as independent love scenes in Toys&Love and Toys&Love content mods... You squirt, each squirt reduces rousing, and the squirt can be denied using the Denial hotkey. In the MCM this can be toggled off, then Squirt/rousing reduction/denial won't happen. Useful if using a mod that alters Sexlab.

  • Squirting Visual for Male Players - The squirt visual can be turned off in the MCM. You get no visual effect, but you will hear the sound... useful for males. Rousing decrease still occurs, and you can still deny it.

Fondle & Caress Hotkey

Use this hotkey (it's defined in the MCM) to voluntarily fondle yourself. Fondling also occurs involuntarily. This will increase rousing faster than normal. If used during a Love Scene, it "caresses" the NCP, increasing their Rousing (seen on the 2nd smaller Rousing Bar). If used often in a short period of time, the chance of failure increases. If you become oversexed, the chance will reach the point of nil. Denial also contributes to oversexed.


Oversexed increases when you successfully deny or fondle, including involuntary fondling. It decays over time. The closer you are to the maximum (which can be set in MCM), the lower the chance of fondling/denial success. You get a visual effect and slow down briefly when Oversexed is getting high.

Thermal Toys

Similar to Rousing Strength, toys can be defined to be "thermal" and are assigned a strength. Toys&Love provides mods with total thermal strength. Toys&Love does nothing with this value on its own. HoT&WeT is an example of a mod using Thermal.

10. Love Scenes & Orgies

Furniture Love

Furniture Love is Love scenes on vanilla game objects in the world, such as beds, chairs, and tables, and up against walls and other objects. See details... Furniture Love FAQs

Rousing, Caress, Denial & Oversexed

Each of these, as described in the section above applies to Love Scenes.

Player-less Scenes

Separate player-less scenes can play at the same time as a Player Scene. aka an Orgy

Separate Climax / Simultaneous Orgasm - The Mini-game

This is a mini-game. It can be toggled off, and then it happens on auto-pilot, but with little chance of Simultaneous Orgasm.

  • Player Character - Tends to climax easily due to being the multi-orgasmic Dragonborn, but only at the end of a scene unless the scene is extended. Sometimes you will need to deny a squirt or two (to keep rousing up) for a climax (denial hotkey). If you deny all squirts, the PC will not climax, which may be the desired outcome.

  • NPC - Tends not to climax easily. You need to help them along by caressing (fondle/caress hokey). You can cause them to climax before the end of the scene.

  • Caressing during the final stage of the scene can cause the scene to be extended. A mod may also force the scene to extend if the NPC did not climax.

Given the above, a scene will have one of 5 possible outcomes, each of which mods can use to punish or reward...

  1. Neither the Player nor the NPC Climaxed

  2. Only the Player climaxed

  3. Only the NPC climaxed

  4. Both climaxed, but separately

  5. Simultaneous Orgasm - Both climaxed during the same stage

Simultaneous Orgasm - see How to Achieve Simultaneous Orgasm

Player Voice - MCM lets you pick from 4 custom voices, used for moans and orgasm sounds

NPC Voices - Automatically uses vanilla NPC voices for moans and orgasm sounds, selected from 34 voice types. Or you can disable this and then it uses the original single voice

Matchmaker - MCM - Love Scenes tab - this includes auto matchmaking to play a scene

Male/Female/Futa Player - Support for each. Male/Female is auto-detected. Futa needs to be selected in the MCM.

Inappropriate Toy Treatment (filter/phasing) - Since Bondage is integrated with Love Scenes, we can tightly integrate the relationship between toys worn and scenes played. 2 methods are combined... excluding inappropriate scenes (aka filtering), and Phasing toys (aka hiding). See the MCM options.

Don't Replay Last Scenes Played - When a Random Love Scene is selected, it will not select from the last 30 played unless there is no other choice.

Cum Visuals - Player & NPCs are covered in cum in the appropriate body area during a male climax. Use the caress hokey to get the NPC to cum!

Scale Actors - Each actor's scale is normalized allowing for much better animation alignment. For SE/AE the player & NPCs are scaled. For LE, only NPCs are scaled since scaling the player (best you use the default scale) can cause CTD or flying actors.

11. Toys Effects

Each of these Effects can be placed by mod authors on a toy.

Love Effects - Proposition, Uncontrolled, & Uncontrolled Orgy

  1. Proposition - Causes NPCs to approach you and ask to have a little fun. You can decline or select different types of fun, including an orgy.

  2. Uncontrollable - Causes NPCs to spontaneously have fun with you if you are not busy. A surprise start caused by a toy, and with no dialogue. This Effect is sometimes combined with Uncontrollable Orgy. Can trigger randomly or by fondling. MCM settings for the chance.

  3. Uncontrollable Orgy - Causes NPCs to spontaneously have fun without you, busy or not. 1 or 2 scenes start if enough NPCs in the area. This Effect is sometimes combined with Uncontrollable Love, making it 3 scenes.

Both Uncontrollable Effects can trigger randomly or by fondling. MCM settings for the chance.

Climax Denial

This Effect makes it impossible to climax when the toy is worn. Squirting and rousing are still in play. With no Climax, your rousing won't lower much during love, but will not always get pinned at 100 either

Strip & Hardcore Strip

A toy you wear has forced your main armor or clothing off. You can adjust the chance of this happening in MCM. Hardcore is an immediate strip, whereas the regular effect is chance-based and on a delay.


A toy has caused you to become exhausted during combat. This will disable control of your character, but you can skip the scene by pressing and holding the Advance Hot Key (spacebar by default). You can adjust the chance of this happening, in MCM.


A toy you wear has forced you to crawl and sprint on all fours. You can adjust the chance of this happening in MCM.


A toy you wear is pulsating. You can adjust the chance of this happening in MCM. Pulsating causes Rousing to increase, and you will also become more oversexed. Includes pulsating sounds, camera shake, stagger, and the slow effect which can be toggled off.

Vibrate Real Life Accessories

When your camera shakes, XInput compatible controllers (XBox etc), and buttplug. io-supported accessories vibrate. See How to make Toys vibrate Real Life Accessories.

Lively Lungs

This effect animates and inflates breasts.

These modes can be selected in the MCM:

  1. Scale Only - Breast size scaled to Rousing

  2. Oscillate Only - Breast size oscillates briefly, after fondling, squirting, or an orgasm

  3. Scale & Oscillate - Breast size scaled to Rousing, but switches to oscillating briefly, after fondling, squirting, or an orgasm. This is the default

  4. Disabled

Water Walking

A toy you wear has some crazy magical things going on!

Harm Health

A toy you wear is causing you to bleed. You can adjust the strength and chance of this happening in MCM.

Harm Stamina

A toy you wear is causing you to lose most of your stamina. You can adjust the chance of this happening in MCM.

12. Buffs & Debuffs

Toys can be set up to use one or more of the following buffs. Each can be a debuff too, other than Unarmed. Each buff can be a flat amount or be scaled to your rousing level.

  1. Attributes - Health / Stamina / Magicka / Heal Regen / Stam Regen / Magicka Regen

  2. Resistances - Magic Damage / Fire / Frost

  3. Special Purpose - Unarmed Damage / Sneak Skill / Speed

  • A tab in the MCM shows you all active buffs. There you can adjust them with sliders

  • Buffs of the same, on more than one toy, will stack and will stack with buffs from other mods

13. Voice In My Head

This is an immersive text widget used when Notifications are too small. Location on screen, color, and font size can be adjusted in MCM. Also has a chance slider. Toys&Love uses this for most of the events and effects. Content mods are using it too in quests.

14. Toy Transformation

A toy with a transforming effect may change, to a new variant of that toy, having a different

appearance, escape options, and effects. The new variant may also be set up to transform, either back to the original or to yet another variant, and there is no limit to the number of variants/transformations.

Transformation can be triggered by the rousing level, the number of hits in combat, lock jamming, or a timer.

Examples of putting this to use can be seen in the Toy Boxes included. Some toys will "melt"

when your rousing is high, like the first pic. Some will "break" when you've been hit enough times in combat, like the broken Chastity Belt in the 2nd pic. There's a nipple toy that becomes horny (transform by having a horn pop out), and toys that change on a timer. Mod authors can configure toys to do this using a keyword and one property.

15. Escape Methods

Here are the Escape Methods. These can be seen in the MCM Worn Toys, details view, so if you are wondering how to escape a toy, and the toy's description is not helpful enough, check the detail view in the MCM.

  • Keyless: the toy can be removed manually with no key

  • Keys: 1 of the 4 Toys keys

  • Custom Key: A mod's custom key

  • Orgasm Fall-Off Effect: The toy falls off upon orgasm from Love Scenes or Toys&Love Spontaneous Orgasm, or an orgasm triggered by a mod. Chance of this set in MCM

  • Hit Fall-Off Effect: The toy falls off when you are hit in combat. Chance of this set in MCM

The two "Fall Off" effects have an option in MCM to either drop to the ground or stay in inventory when falling off.

16. Toy Type-Specific Effects


Chain sounds with volume and frequency control

Bell sounds with volume and frequency control


Open mouth for gags

Gag Signing for Dialogue (no tedious clicking)


The character will be blinded, not the player. Plays animations that simulate blind.

Stumble/fall animations, which are more frequent if you "try" to sprint.

Magical Wrist Restraints

Random animations for hands tied behind your back. You can break out as needed for things like combat.

Hard Core Magical Wrist Restraints

The Magical Wrists Restraints, if enabled in MCM, may switch to a hardcore mode where you cannot break out. You can kick in combat though.

Arm Binding

Same as Hard Core Magical Wrist Restraints, but no MCM option to disable or make it random.

Yoke Binding

Similar to Arm Binding, but in the position for a yoke.

17. Key Dropping

You may drop keys under the following situations. Each of these has a chance slider in MCM.

  • during a Spontaneous Orgasm

  • when a toy, is blown off by orgasm

  • during a Blind Fall

  • during the Exhausted scene

  • when your armor is forced off (not stripping for scenes)

  • while Swimming

Keys are only obtained through content mods. Try this mod... Toyful Temptations

18. Toys on NPCs

Toys can be placed on NPCs in the same fashion as normal armor.

GagMouthOpen and Magical Wrist Binding Effects both work on NPCs, and are refreshed as needed so that they stay working.

19. Visual/Sound Effects & Utility API

In addition to Toy Handling & Love Scenes API, Toys&Love offers Mod Authors visual/sound effects and utility functions.


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