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Toys&Love - Tips

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Use the Toys Mods page to find all the mods, packs, and other resources.

Should I start a new game? Yes, it's the requirement if it's first use. This is because of the "Golden Rule". You'd be adding a mod (Toys&Love) that cannot be at the end of your sort order because it's an esm. If you do that with any mod, you need to start a new game. Upgrading will not normally require a new game.

Do I need Toy Boxes? Love, Music & LoveCum Packs?

When starting out, add...

  • At least 1 Love or SLAL Pack

  • A Music Pack

  • Consider adding a Toy Box

  1. Toys&Love comes with 3 Toy Boxes, 1 Love Pack, 1 LoveCum Pack, 0 Music Pack

  2. You can add... see Toy Boxes and Toys Love & Music Packs

  3. Adding the Toys Starter LovePack, Toys Furniture LovePack, and both MusicPacks is recommended when starting out. They need to be installed separately

    • Consider adding WildLife (if you want creature support)

Do I need to install WildLife? Only if you want creature scenes. see WildLife

  • Consider adding Quest & Other mods

How to get Toys & Keys? see Toys Mods

  1. Using the Toyful Temptations mod - is the main but not only way to get toys and keys. Toyful Temptations distributes toys and keys in all types of containers including corpses. But beware, containers can be trapped too!

  2. Quests Mods - Quest mods equip toys as part of their story and will sometimes give keys as rewards. Available mods listed in the link above

  3. Toys&Love MCM - Toy Boxes Tab - allows you to equip toys, but some might consider that cheating. We can call it self-bondage!

How Do I Experience the Love Scenes? see last section in Love Scene FAQs

Can I run Toys&Love together with DD? Yes, you can.

Important: When using DD, it's best to disable DD's Device Hider as it will treat toys like things it should hide. You can disable the hider at the top of DD's Device Hider tab.

You can expect Toys&Love to play nice with DD. It won't remove DD items. Equipping a toy, will not replace a DD item ever. DD will, however, remove toys sometimes, but this is rarely critical. DD is not able to play so nicely as it's not set up to be Toys&Love aware. Toys&Love has built-in "DD awareness" which makes it very easy for mod authors to play nice with DD.

Can I run Toys&Love with Sexlab/other Animation Frameworks? Yes, you can.

With Sexlab, there's integration. Things just work. see Love Scene FAQs for more

Using Toy Story (a quest you can start with)

End-User: Play Toy Story's quests! A good place to start, and learn.

Mod Authors: Toy Story's MCM tests, serve as a demonstration for each of the Toy Handling API functions

Tips for some handy features in Toys&Love MCM...

  1. Setting Presets - There are 3 sets of defaults you can start with... Casual, Starting Out, and Spank Me Hard

  2. Self Bondage - Turn this on if you want self-equipped toys to be treated as unlocked

  3. Random Love Scene - On the Love Scenes tab. It's a matchmaker using close actors

  4. Equip a Toy - Use the Toys Boxes tab

  5. Worn Toys Tab - Click on a toy to see its details... what buffs and effects it has... what escape methods it has

  6. Player Reset - Use this to get unstuck, as the last resort, if a scene from any mod got stuck. This can also fix a large range of issues, including those caused by things going wrong in other mods

  7. Hotkeys - see what they do in their MCM highlight tips, or check Hotkeys

There are many more features to explore in the MCM, and the highlight tips will help you understand them.


Please post them in a related support thread on LoversLab or Nexus. We have a Discord Server for mod author support.

You are a Mod Author & want to make a mod using Toys&Love?

Help will be given, and questions answered. If you need a mod idea, anything goes, but here are some needs:

  1. A bondage-themed or love-scene-themed quest. Or combine them!

  2. A mod offering toy removal services

  3. Toy Boxes. Think of a theme and make it happen

  4. A Bondage Shop

Toys Discord Server (used primarily for mod author support and beta testing)

No paywall stuff ever. Never a requirement to join Discord.


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