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Furniture Love FAQs

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Make love on furniture, & other objects in the world.

What is Furniture Love? Love scenes on vanilla game objects in the world, such as beds, chairs, and tables, and up against walls and other objects.

What Must Be Installed? Toys&Love 2.6+ alone is enough. But you will have only a few scenes to play. For 60 scenes install the Toys Furniture LovePack.

How to Start Furniture Love?

  1. If a valid object is close when a random love scene is started by a mod or a toy with a Love Effect, there's a chance the scene will use the object.

    1. MCM - Love Tab - Furniture Love Chance

    2. Some mods may also directly call for furniture love

  2. To test it... Stand near an object you think might be valid. Examples: Almost any bed, a chair that is not facing a table, a wardrobe. Then use the matchmaker... MCM - Love Scenes Tab - Random Scene

How Does it Work?

  1. Uses available "invisible furniture scenes" and aligns with the object. In addition, some existing scenes using visible furniture were made invisible for compatibility.

  2. 65 base types of furniture/objects are valid love-making objects. This amounts to thousands in the game. Includes:

    1. Most beds

    2. Many chairs (a chair facing a table is not valid). Plus chair-like objects... they can be rocks, stumps, ledges, some thrones, and others that are vanilla game-marked or mod-marked for sitting.

    3. Wall-like objects... some doors, pillars, wardrobes, bookcases, tanners, & other items in the world that are vanilla game-marked or mod-marked for leaning

    4. Table-like objects... table style crafting stations & hundreds of vanilla game-marked or mod-marked tables (cannot use just any table)

    1. Spontaneous Orgasm will use a chair if a valid one is close

    2. Mod Conflict Safe - Nothing has been placed in the world by Toys&Love. It uses only vanilla objects. This eliminates mod conflicts.

What's the Toys Furniture Love Pack?

An optional Love Pack that gives 60 Furniture Love Scenes. See Toys Furniture LovePack

  1. A small sampling of Furniture Love Scenes comes in the Toys Love Pack included with Toys&Love. Ensures that Furniture Love will always find a scene. Add this love pack if you want more!

  2. Has modified scenes from Billyy, Anubs, Leito, Milky, & Ayasato. Full credit to the authors

  3. Some scenes originally came with visible furniture... we modified them to be invisible. This includes 3 solo scenes... no solo scene existed, until now

  4. InvisFurn-tagged scenes in SLAL Packs are not compatible and will be ignored. No need to install them for Toys&Love. They do no harm if there. This pack includes changes to the original, including position, animObjects, & tags

For Mod Authors - See Section 5 in Toys&Love - Mod Author's Documentation


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