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Toys&Love - Change Log

Updated: Dec 30, 2022


  1. The optional new Toys Furniture LovePack, is recommended for v2.6+. See Furniture Love FAQs

  2. A new game is required for first-time use (first-time Toys&Love is introduced into your load order).

  3. If upgrading, a new game is not required. It's suggested though if you've been breaking the Golden Rule.

  4. Toys Content mods... fully backwards compatible. Listing here... Toys Family of Mods

  5. Make sure you have the latest Bodyslide Package. Always rebuild Bodyslide, even when it's not changed. Always regenerate FNIS.

Toys&Love V2.62 - Dec 30/2022

  1. New - Option to reset buffs in MCM, Debug tab

  2. Fixed - Removed "No Stacking with non-Toys Buffs" from the last release. In some rare cases, it was contributing to unintended player death

    1. Alternate Solution: Instead of installing this update you can simply... MCM - Active Effects/Buffs - No Stacking with non-Toys Buffs - toggle off

Toys&Love V2.61 - Dec 22/2022

  1. Changed - Buffs Overhaul

    1. MCM option to not stack buffs with non-Toys buffs (on by default)

    2. Faster, simpler, & some additional failsafes

  2. Changed - Slightly adjusted the Blacklist (the preset for disabled love scenes)

  3. Changed - No making love to flying dragons, since this does not work. Fine if grounded

  4. Fixed - FreeCam waits for dialogue to end before engaging during a love scene, which avoids odd cases of an invisible actor

  5. Fixed - If WildLife is installed... At love scene end, no unintentionally resurrecting creatures that died. Creatures now keep their reduced HP if harmed

For Mod Authors

  1. New ToysArousalDecrease event

Toys&Love V2.6 - Dec 8/2022

  1. New - Furniture Love - Make love on furniture, & other objects in the world.

    1. Furniture Love FAQs <--- See for details & video

  2. New - Toys Furniture Love Pack - Optional Pack gives 60 Furniture Love Scenes.

  3. New - Fondle Love - The Fondle Hotkey, while wearing a toy with the Uncontrollable Effect, causes NPCs to make love with you, if you are not busy & not in combat. Love starts with no dialogue.

    1. In addition, if wearing a toy with the Uncontrollable Orgy Effect, Fondling causes NPCs to love without you (1 or 2 playerless scenes)

    2. Toys with Love Effects, are not new. This makes such toys now dual purpose, with 4 MCM sliders for Random Love, and Fondle Hotkey-triggered love. Zero the slider(s) to disable

    3. Fondling is not always successful. The more oversexed you are, the more difficult. Involuntary fondling has no effect on triggering love

  4. New - Scenes Blacklist - A preset for disabled scenes.

    1. MCM - Love Scenes tab - you see disabled scenes... those of the blacklist, & those you disabled. As before you can disable/re-enable

    2. The Blacklist is not based on preferences. It disables scenes that appear broken, use oversized objects, or are otherwise not intended for general use. Includes scenes that are tagged invisible furniture but not configured for Toys&Love, and scenes with only a few stages

    3. When a mod calls for a scene directly by ID, the scene will play. A disabled scene does not prevent its use in this case

  5. Changed - Faster, Smoother, Love Scene Setup - Actors get into place cleaner

  6. Changed - More Mod Startup Optimization - includes being not vulnerable to the SkyUI startup bug, when OverClocking FPS

  7. Fixed - Male erectile dysfunction sometimes during stage 1 after he overexerted himself to get into a position for a love scene, is cured

  8. Fixed - Magical Bindings on NPCs - won't refresh & break animations while in furniture

  9. Fixed - Gag Signing will no longer reset (repeat the signing) in unusual cases where the dialogue resets

  10. Fixed - Auto-Load of MCM settings won't fail if you access the menu before it's initialized

  11. Fixed - Cases where the gender of NPC was incorrectly detected

  12. Fixed - Hotkeys will no longer respond if the game is paused / you are in a menu

  13. Fixed - (if WildLife is Installed) cases where a creature could remain stuck/docile after a scene are no more

For Mod Authors

  1. New - Furniture Love Objects - Custom locations can use vanilla game items (65 Base Types), including vanilla invisible markers (chair, table, or wall)

    1. Valid Base Types are documented within the ToysStoreFurn() function in ToysLoveLib.psc, and are also in ToysFurnList FormList

  2. New - Existing Loving() parameter:

    1. LoveSpot - If it's a valid ObjectRef for Furniture Love, will use it. If none, Loving() will auto-detect based on the MCM chance setting

  3. New - Added Slaver Faction

  4. Changed - CloseMarkers() now has additional options:

    1. Detect furniture, based on MCM chance setting, or Skip

    2. Require line of sight to get valid furniture

  5. Changed - HideToys() has an extended version HidingToys(), giving parameters for additional toy types

Toys&Love V2.5 - Nov 5/2022

  1. New - Improved Actor Alignment in Scenes

    1. Each actor's scale is normalized ensuring the animation author's intended alignment at all times. Can disable in MCM

      1. For SE/AE the player & NPCs are scaled

      2. For LE, only NPCs are scaled since scaling the player can cause CTD or flying actors. Best you use the default scale for the player

      3. Works for love scenes & custom scenes using Toys&Love scene features (for example the Standing Stones love scene utilized in some of the Toys Family)

      4. "Sees" player scale changes made by the console command SetScale. Can NOT "see" changes using RaceMenu after the initial game start

    2. Head tracking during scenes is prevented, ensuring this does not cause misalignment. This already existed but was not working consistently

  2. New - WildLife Aroused Schlongs - Tells WildLife, if installed, to trigger erect schlongs when appropriate. This is in support of new WildLife Creature Framework support and requires updated WildLife v1.1

  3. New - Breast Inffaltion Scaled to Rousing - The existing Lively Lungs Effect has expanded, with modes to choose from and new Scaling to Rousing. MCM lets you select the mode, chance, and min & max breast sizes.

    1. Modes:

      1. Scale Only - Breast size scaled to Rousing

      2. Oscillate Only - Breast size oscillates briefly, after fondling, squirting, or an orgasm (the original effect)

      3. Scale & Oscillate - Breast size scaled to Rousing, but switches to oscillating briefly, after fondling, squirting, or an orgasm. This is the default

      4. Disabled

    2. Mods can react to the state of your Lively Lungs. A new love proposition feature is in Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies v1.1

  4. New - Toy Can Deny Climax - A new Denial Effect can be placed on a toy which makes it impossible to climax when the toy is worn.

    1. This effect is on Chastity Piercing (Diabolic) & newly added Clit T (Diabolic) and may be found on other toys from other Toy Boxes in the future

    2. Squirting and rousing are still in play. With no Climax, your rousing won't lower much during love, but will not always get pinned at 100 either

      1. Makes it easier to stay warm if wearing a thermal toy and using HoT&WeT

    3. You won't be able to achieve a Simultaneous Orgasm of course, but you can still caress and give your partner a climax

    4. Spontaneous Orgasms will still occur, giving slight relief, as some fluids can squeeze out, but no climax for you!

    5. Even if the toy phases into oblivion, it's still there denying your release, and driving you crazy! (much like how a phased toy can still protect your virginity)

  5. New - Smarter Faster Toy Boxes

    1. Toy Access faster. Example: on slower computers, maybe you saw a delay in Toyful Temptations, for trapped toy equipping. That's gone now

    2. Toy Boxes now use versioning. They load on a new game or if upgraded. Otherwise, their load times are now nearly instant

    3. Toy Boxes are now stored like Love Scenes, using JContainers which is faster and does the "heavy lifting" outside of Skyrim, thus a lighter load on Skyrim

    4. Improvement was focused on being scalable as more toy boxes become available, and the number of toy boxes installed increases

    5. The maximum number of Toy Boxes was increased

    6. In case a toy box author forgets to use versioning on an upgrade, you can force a reload of toys boxes now, in the MCM debug tab

    7. Toys load into an additional levelled Item list now, giving an additional option for vendors

  6. New - Perma-Save Disabled Scenes - Disabled Scenes are saved independently from the game save, thus will persist across saves and a new game, just like MCM settings

  7. New toy - Toys-Clit T (Diabolic) - Intense stimulation numbs your clitoris, denying any chance of climax. Uses the new Denial Effect

  8. New - Stimulation Potion - Rouse yourself with it anytime. If used in the midst of a love scene, it will also rouse your partner.

    1. Useful when you are too oversexed to successfully caress your partner (with the hotkey). Mods can provide this potion as a reward

  9. Changed - Improved Expressions

    1. The player & NPC expressions play cleaner, more consistent, and less resetting

    2. The Gag Mouth if gagged during a scene is no longer interrupted by animations that change the mouth (Toys wins that tug of war now)

    3. Expressions on NPCs will consistently clear when the scene ends now, instead of only sometimes

  10. Changed - Ring Gag Not Removed for Oral Scenes - If the scene uses Exclusion (filtered scenes) to deal with blocking toys (depends on your MCM settings), it will no longer remove a gag that does NOT block ORAL, such as a Ring Gag.

  11. Changed - Optimized feature that reveals visual changes during FreeCam... Normally if FreeCam is ON, you can't see expressions change or toy equips/unequips. This improved feature's purpose is to work around that

    1. Its optimization is in part, what led to the improved expressions above

  12. Fixed - Chance of Exclude Scene versus Phasing Toys (the methods for selection of toy Appropriate Scenes) was not working as intended. With default settings, you will now see Exclusion in use more, as set by the chance slider

  13. Fixed - A couple of gags were missing the Block Oral keyword

  14. Fixed - Grass & foilage visually resetting during love scene stage changes, noticed more with grass mods added or large creatures etc. now resets only on scene start, or use of Pivot/Align hotkey

For Mod Authors

See the verbosely documented ToysFramework.psc for detailed documentation.

  1. New - ScaleNormalize() - use for the above Scale Actors feature in custom scenes. It's used automatically by Loving() & SceneStart()

  2. New - Caress() - Outcome is the same as one successful user caress using the Caress hotkey during a love scene

    1. The Stimulation Potion described above, uses this

  3. New - Player parameter for Loving() can now disable Phasing (force Exclude Scene Filtering for handling toys inappropriate for scenes), overriding MCM settings

  4. As always, ToysGlobal is updated for the above functions, allowing use as a soft dependency

  5. New - ToysChanged Mod Event - Player's worn toys have changed (1 or more toys have equipped/unequipped/transformed)

    1. Filters out 'noise' such as failed attempts to unequip, or many toys equipped/unequipped within 2 seconds... 1 event fires

    2. Use Example: check for different keywords on the toys now worn

  6. New - Levelled Item List with Random Select - For a merchant, you can use this to produce a random selection of toys from all the installed toy boxes

  7. New - Rousing Conditional Property - This is the current Rousing value, available now as a conditional property so you can check in quests/dialogue

  8. New - Info Keywords... ToysInfo_Noisy / ToysLoc_ SlaveAuction, SlaveTraining, Brothel, BlockScenes, Misc

    1. BlockScenes prevents Toys Love Effect scenes from playing

  9. New - Info Factions... ToysFaction_ Master, Slave, Whore, Pimp, Staff, Dancer, Misc

  10. Changed - SceneStart() - now includes automatic use of ScaleNormalize() unless the user disabled in MCM

  11. Changed - Keyword ToysToy is now dual-purpose and renamed to ToysToyNoStrip. In this way, mods scanning for a keyword containing "NoStrip" will not strip toys

  12. Fixed - Crawl() no longer has a delayed start

  13. Fixed - Using Loving() Player parameter, set to 2 (dominant position) is now compatible with matchmaking (it required at least 1 NPC to be passed previously)

  14. Fixed - VaginalPenetration mod event incorrectly sent when no player in a SL scene

Toy Box Template v1.21

  1. New - Versioning stored in a JSON file, used to trigger reload when upgraded. Backward compatible

Toys&Love V2.4 - Oct 1/2022

On upgrade, the player voice changes to Elizabeth, and NPCs use new vanilla game voices. To restore to original, use Monilee & Turn off NPC Vanilla.
  1. New - Player Moan/Orgasm Voices - MCM selection between 4 custom voices... Monilee (the original), Michelle, Elizabeth, and Georgia

    1. Works for Love Scenes & mod custom scenes using the OrgasmSound feature

  2. New - NPC Moan/Orgasm Voices - NPC moans & orgasm sounds use in-game vanilla voices, from 34 voice types, during love scenes & some custom scenes

    1. Getting the correct voice type is automatic. No need to manually do anything

    2. You can turn this off, then NPCs use the original single custom voice

    3. Works for Love Scenes & mod custom scenes using the OrgasmSound feature

  3. Changed - Moan Voice Progression - There's now a clearer distinction for moans progressing from start to climax, growing more passionate, unless no climax

  4. New - Non-Consensual Scenes - A scene may be set non-Con by a mod, or If enabled in the MCM, a scene will be considered non-Con due to its tag

    1. Uncontrollable Love - MCM option lets you set the Uncontrollable Love Effect found on some toys, to be treated as non-Con

    2. Screams & Cries - In a non-Con scene, moans & orgasm sounds are replaced with screams & cries

    3. Climax & Rousing - If the MCM setting "Climax when non-Con" is off, Climax is prevented, and rousing will increase only slightly

  5. New - Hotkey - Disable Currently Playing Scene - MCM feature for this already existed, now you can do it with a hotkey too. Hotkey is Del by default

  6. New - Sneaking Prevents Spontaneous Orgasm - By default, when sneaking, you are likely to be detected if a Spontaneous Orgasm goes off! A new MCM option... sneaking prevents the orgasm.

  7. Changed - Gag Signing - Signing now uses the actor you targeted, instead of using the closest actor. No more cases of signing with the wrong person!

  8. Changed - Option to disable Visual Effects with Physics - As before, effects for Transformation, Climax, and Oversexed have Strong & Light variants. The chance of strong versus light has always been an MCM setting.

    1. Now you can disable too. Scenes & Sounds Tab - Visual Effect Strength

    2. When enabled, it has automatic clean-up for items that go flying, and this is now working more consistently

  9. Fixed - Merchant List updated. Some missing toys added

Summary of MCM Additions:

Love Tab - Actors: Tag Auto-Sets Scene non-Con / Climax When non-Con

Love Tab - Spontaneous Orgasm: Sneaking Prevents

Effects 3 Tab - Toy Triggered Love Scenes: Uncontrollable Love is non-Con

Scenes & Sounds Tab - Scenes: Visual Effect Strength

Scenes & Sounds Tab - Voices: Player Voice / NPC Voice

Hotkeys & Debug Tab - Hotkeys: Disable Currently Playing Scene

For Mod Authors:

  1. New - The existing PlayerConsent parameter in Loving(), in addition to providing info to other mods, will now give the non-consensual scene features described above

  2. Changed - OrgasmSounds() now takes on the settings for the above new Player Moan/Orgasm Voices & NPC Moan/Orgasm Voices - It Lets you have consistency playing in custom scenes. Backwards compatible, there's no change to make

  3. Changed - Cumming() now accepts BodyArea set to 0. 0 will clear/remove all cum

  4. New - CumBodyArea public Property, set conditional, for use in dialogue etc. When not 0, the player has cum in at least one body area. The value indicates the body area(s) covered, using the same values as Cumming()

Toys&Love V2.31 - Sep 11/2022

  1. New - Body Light - A new Hotkey, toggles between off, white-ish and, red-ish light (3 states). MCM option to turn this on/off automatically for scenes

  2. Changed - Strapon will equip for the player (instead of just NPCs), if the player is placed in the male role, and is not futa or male

  3. Fixed - A case where arousal was reduced to zero during a Sexlab love scene when it should not be. No more

For Mod Authors

  1. New - CloseMarkers() - Returns close vanilla or mod placed markers. Useful for scene placement. Can pass as LoveSpot in Loving()

  2. Changed - Love() depreciated for backwards compatibility. Is replaced by Loving(), which includes new player position options (dom/sub), and lets you specify a marker for the scene (scene location center point)

  3. As always function changes/additions are applied identically in ToysGlobal, for mods using the built-in soft dependency option

Toys&Love V2.3 - Aug 8/2022

  1. New - Gag Mouth & Magical Wrist Bindings for NPCs - toys with the Gag Mouth & Magic Bindings Effects, now apply these effects to NPCs too. Equip your follower!

    1. They keep working, refreshing themselves, tracking the last 10 active NPCs with the toys. Its a "lite" script load system to ensure the effects keep on going

  2. New - NPCs can Fondle - A feature for mods to use. Toys&Love itself does not use it

    1. Its first utilization can be found in the updated Toy Story v2.3

  3. Changed - Lowered the MCM default chance of Hardcore Magic Wrist Binding

  4. Fixed - Failsafe for Buffs, which is needed for AE, no longer adversely affects SE. This was most noticeable for the speed buff

  5. Fixed - Stagger won't trigger if busy in a scene since this was messing up animations

  6. Fixed - A rare case of dialogue appearing for the Proposition Love Effect after the scene started, should no longer happen

  7. Fixed - The fix in v2.21 for "Keys are no longer consumed by removal attempted by other mods" had a side effect of breaking the toy registry in a rare case. Fixed the fix

For Mod Authors

  1. New - GagMouthNPC() / ToysNPCbound() - Registers the NPC as having a gag or magic binding toy. This happens automatically on equip and thus is rarely needed, but there are cases of need

  2. New - FondleNPC() - NPC will fondle. Handles 2 NPCs at a time, threaded, not latent

  3. As always the new functions above are included in ToysGobal too. ToysGlobal is the built-in Soft Dependency feature

  4. New - ForbiddenFaction2 - prevents actor participation in scenes ONLY for the Proposition Effect & CloseActor()

  5. Changed - CloseActor() now excluding actors using ForbiddenFaction2

Toys&Love V2.21 - Jul 05/2022

  1. Changed - Fallback Matchmaking - The Require Gender Match setting works better and faster when the calling mod uses the new Fallback matchmaking

  2. Changed - If a scene started with weapons equipped, upon scene end, they now re-equip before controls are unlocked. Why? If in combat, you tend to immediately draw to fight and now your weapons are ready

  3. Fixed - Keys are no longer consumed by removal attempted by other mods

  4. Fixed - During a Sexlab scene, toys can no longer be removed unless you have the required key or other valid conditions as usual

For Mod Authors:

  1. New - ToysGlobal.psc - global versions of for all public functions. The parameters are identical. Use for soft dependency. Now it's easier to use Toys&Love as a soft dependency, although it still comes with some limits.

  2. New - Auto-Fallback for Matchmaking - Built into Love()... Match make starting with 5 actors and fallback till working scene is found using close actors. Some of the actors can be optionally specified. Choose to go no further than couple or allow solo.

Toys&Love V2.2 - June 28/2022

  1. New - Orgies - Play multiple scenes simultaneously

    1. See the teaser video. Check the new Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies

    2. This was done without any performance penalty. Player-less scenes use a lighter thread, specialized for the purpose

  2. New - Player-less Scenes - Play scenes with no player in them

  3. New - Toy Love Scene Triggering Effects - A toy can trigger Love without script. A keyword is placed on a toy. Same as all toy effects. The options are:

    1. Proposition - Causes NPCs to approach you and ask to have a little fun. You can decline or select different types of fun, including an orgy.

    2. Uncontrollable - Causes NPCs to spontaneously have fun with you if you are not busy. A surprise start caused by a toy, and with no dialogue. This Effect is sometimes combined with Uncontrollable Orgy.

    3. Uncontrollable Orgy - Causes NPCs to spontaneously have fun without you, busy or not. 1 or 2 scenes start if enough NPCs in the area. This Effect is sometimes combined with Uncontrollable Love, making it 3 scenes.

    4. For more customized scenes, and situations not involving a toy, mod authors will still use script

  4. New - Toys-Harlot Nipple Ts - Nipple piercings using all 3 Toy Love Scene Triggering Effects. They cause love propositions if not melted, otherwise uncontrollable orgies.

  5. New - Toys-Harlot Collar - Has Proposition Effect, & Regen HP buff

  6. New - MCM Options/Settings for Orgies

    1. Love Scenes tab has Play buttons for Player-less Scene and Orgy

    2. Effects 3 tab has a chance slider for each new Love Effect

  7. New - Regen Buffs - Buff or debuff regeneration of HP, Stam, or Magicka

  8. Changed - All Buffs now Threaded - for speed

  9. Changed - Dual Music Packs - You can now load and play from two Packs. Each has a chance slider. Gives you almost 40 tracks

    1. Music also loops now

    2. How to make your own Music Pack

  10. Changed - The "don't play love scene if played in last 8" feature has doubled to 15

    1. this does not apply to Player-less scenes

  11. New - Stage Duration in Dungeons - In addition to the slider for Love Scene Stage duration, you can now set this differently for scenes played in dungeons

  12. Changed - Effect Sounds - Better squirt at Climax. Better squish/suck

    1. Optimized sounds for performance

  13. Changed - No Toy Transformations mid-love-scene, until a Climax

    1. Is to cut down on special effects & interruptions to the free camera. The free cam still must reset sometimes for working facial expressions

  14. Change - Exhausted no longer plays music. The scene is too short to be fitting

  15. Fixed - Mounted (on horseback) status could get "stuck" when you dismounted without actually dismounting (vanilla arrest while mounted & some mods). This was breaking things like yoke/armbinder animations & causing other silly stuff. Fixed now

  16. Fixed - MCM Toys Boxes Tab - Sometimes the correct toy was displayed, but the highlight text referenced the wrong toy and would equip that wrong to

For Mod Authors:

  1. New - Added 3 ToysEffect_<keyword> for the Toy Love Scene Triggering Effects explained above

    1. Uses an optional property on the toy for include/exclude tags

  2. New - Added 3 ToysBuff_<keyword> for the regen buffs

  3. New - Queue Player Scene - start a new Player Scene, while another one is actively playing. Happens automatically... scene setup runs in an alternate thread, then waits

    1. New - IsSceneQueued() - is the scene with LoveName waiting to start?

  4. Change - Multi-Scene Support - Using LoveName, each relevant function, for example, SceneHasTag(), accesses the right scene from multiple active scenes

  5. New - modevent ToysStartPlayerlessLove

  6. New - StartMusic() / EndMusic() - For rare cases where you want to do it directly. Can already auto-start music through Love() or SceneStart()

  7. New - CloseActors() - Returns up to 5 close actors using some parameters and logic

  8. New - When the controller is shaken, formated Papyrus Log entries are made, useful to mods parsing the log to vibrate real-life toys

    1. formatted like this... [*TOYS] ControllerShake Right, 90, 1.9

  9. Changed - Console and Log for Love Scenes more readable

Toy Box Template V1.2 - Jun 11/2022

The template (used to make a Toy Box) has been tweaked, plus no longer needlessly requires SL and SLA.

Toys&Love V2.11 - May 29/2022

  1. New - Mini-Game Toggle - The existing Love Scenes Mini-Game can be disabled / put on auto-pilot

    1. [ON] Simultaneous Orgasm & other outcomes requires using Caress & Denial hotkeys

    2. [OFF] NPC is caressed automatically and will almost always climax, but usually too early for Simultaneous. Denial hotkey is enabled but not needed. The Player will almost always climax if not denied

  2. Changed - Climax Moaning - Actors in Love Scenes now moan in excitement in sync with their separate climaxes, in addition to their random sounds.

    1. There's more coming for sounds, but we've started with this improvement

  3. Changed - Buff Fail-Safes - Some Buffs could, when stacked with other mods, behave badly. Rare Examples: HP that kills you. Unarmed too low to do damage. Speed that is insane.

    1. Each now has a fail-safe which prevents unreasonable outcomes

    2. Changed lower boundaries for Magic, Fire, & Frost resist

  4. New - Disable Current Scene - You can now disable the scene currently playing without having to search for it. Open the MCM Love Scenes Tab and press the button.

  5. Change - Smarter Toy Box Init - Previously Toy Boxes waited to initialize when loading your first save. Now they init if a mod tries to access, or when loading your first save, whichever comes first. Usually, you save and load before starting out, but now things won't break if you don't.

  6. Changed - Smarter Explosion Cleanup - After explosions, items that were blown about, float back into place. This now performs without the risk of lag.

  7. Fixed - Pressing the disable buttons for love scenes was horribly slow. Now it's snappy

  8. Fixed - XP displayed in the Toys Worn Detail View was sometimes not fitting (lack of space). Now it fits.

For Mod Authors:

  1. SceneIsActive() - returns true if the specified scene is active

  2. SceneHasTag() - returns true if the specified tag is in the scene

Toys&Love V2.1- May 21/2022

  1. New - Stripping Options - You control slot by slot what strips. We've ensured it works with difficult cases like The Amazing World of Bikini Armor

  2. New - Inappropriate Toy Treatment - Options During Love Scenes - Since Bondage is integrated with Love Scenes, we can tightly integrate the relationship between toys worn and scenes played. 2 methods are combined... excluding inappropriate scenes (aka filtering), and Phasing toys (aka hiding).

    1. Exclude Scene or Phase Toy - A slider to weight between the two methods... Either Exclude Scenes conflicting with toys based on tags or Phase conflicting toys into oblivion (hide). 0 is always Exclude, 100 is always Phase. The Exclude method is relevant only when a scene is being randomly selected.

    2. Minimum scenes to allow scene exclusion - If too few scenes when filtered, revert to Phasing conflicting toys. Gives a choice of balance between realism versus seeing repetitive scenes.

    3. Selective Phasing - Further control of when Phasing (hiding) is used

    4. Examples: A scene with a vaginal tag might be excluded if wearing a chastity toy, however, if filtering resulted in too few scenes, the chastity toy phases into oblivion. Heels may usually stay on, however, if a scene has a footjob tag, they phase (hide).

  3. New - Don't Replay Last Scenes Played - When a Random Love Scene is selected, it will not select from the last 8 played unless there is no other choice.

  4. New - Experience (XP) - Tracks usage of many features, generating a weighted Total XP. Mods can use the Total XP, or the individual mod events (including additional data such as vaginal, anal, and oral). See pic below

    1. Buffs/Debuffs can scale to XP. A toy can scale its buff to both Rousing and XP combined

    2. Toys using XP scaling buffs... Clit-T (Exotic) & Bitch Boots (Exotic & Melted variants)

    3. Several Toys content mods will be released that use XP too

  5. New - Cum Visuals - Player & NPCs are covered in cum in the appropriate body area during a male climax. Use the caress hokey to get the NPC to cum!

    1. MCM option - timer... how long it lasts. 0 to disable. You can make it last for days if desired. Default is 7mins

    2. Cum will wash off if you swim, stand around in the rain, or are bloodied in battle

    3. Cum application is determined by author configuration in Love & SLAL Packs

  6. New - CumPacks - There are 3.

    1. "Orignal" is included in the framework. Realistic & IceCream replace and are available separately

    2. Full credit to tooli3d & Vacaliga for the textures

    3. Can use other existing cum textures too

  7. Changed - Better Expressions & Gag Mouth - You will see player and NPC expressions more during Love & Custom Scenes. Gag mouth is interrupted and reset less. Existing MCM options to change frequency & strength still apply

  8. New - Threading / Parallel Processing aka. FASTER - We wanted to maintain speed, particularly during Scene Startup, while also adding more complexity such as fancy Stripping and toy Phasing during scene startup. It was time to bring Threading to Toys&Love. It did not just "keep the speed", it made it faster. Each of these is threaded...

    1. Stripping - each actor stripped in parallel

    2. Phasing (hiding a toy) - logic & wait for un-render in parallel per actor

    3. Positioning Actors - travel & positioning in parallel

    4. Scene Setup (the 3 above) - in parallel while the scene itself gets started

    5. Toy Equipping - waiting for Skyrim to render now in parallel. Includes Un-Hiding. This is not just about scenes, it's everywhere! Adds stability

    1. So why not do the entire scene threaded? It does that already in v2.0. We've just not implemented multi-scene control to take advantage of it and play orgies. That's coming.

  9. New - Pivot Scene for Love Scenes - The existing Pivot hotkey now works for Love Scenes too. Use to shift actors out of a bad spot

  10. New - Height Adjust - Two settings and a hotkey change height for player positioning in scenes, compensating for non-standard heels, non-standard player scale, and bad animations, to give better animation alignment.

    1. Height Adjust slider - auto-adjust with the set amount

    2. Toggled Height Adjust slider - adjust using your custom setting with a hotkey

    3. This currently works for Love Scenes. It's set up to be available for use by other mods with custom animation scenes

  11. New - Debug Remove Single Toy - Last resort debug option to remove a single locked toy. Its found on the Worn Toys tab - Detail View. This is in addition to the Debug options to remove all toys which have existed since day one.

  12. Changed - Better Animation Sync - Some types of scenes require simultaneous stage changes to look right rather than fancy staggering

  13. Fixed - No more making innocent love to Mannequins

  14. Fixed - Scene Start from Crawl state while also wearing heels, no longer results in height adjust mess up (alignment issues gone)

  15. Fixed - A pop-up message warning that JContainers is not installed, now will actually pop-up

  16. Fixed - Signing animations could occur during Love Scenes. Not good... gone!

  17. Fixed - NPC Headtracking disabled during Love Scenes, to prevent misalignment

  18. Fixed - Some Animated Objects, when the Toys Starter Love Pack is installed, were capable of CTDing a scene (wrong version of nif). No more!

  19. Fixed - After the Exhausted Scene, if wearing a hardcore arm binding toy, the idle animation was broken, till you reset the player or saved and then loaded. No More!

For Mod Authors:

  1. New - Reveal() - reveal toys if they've changed while in a scene with freecam in use

  2. New - GetCumTimeRemain() - time remaining on player cum. If zero, no cum

  3. New - Cumming() - apply cum to specified body area(s)

  4. New - GetXP() - self-explanatory

  5. There's a 2nd variant of the fondle mod event

Toys&Love V2.01 - Apr 19/2022

  1. Fixed - Missing texture for Chastity Strapon

    1. Affects both Toys Framework & Toys Bodyslide Packages. Update them both. Re-build Bodyslide

    2. You may not see the problem as the textures are supplied by a few common mods including SLaVE. Can skip the update if that's the case

Toys Bodyslide Pacakges v2.01 - Apr 19/2022

  1. Fixed - Missing texture for Chastity Strapon

Toys&Love V2.0 - Apr 18/2022

  1. New - Love Scenes - Play Love Scenes from Love Packs & SLAL Animation Packs

    1. A second Rousing Bar (widget) shows NPC rousing

    2. Separate Orgasms & Silumtaneous Orgasms. Love Scenes utilize the existing Denial and Fondle/Caressing hotkeys and will contribute to Oversexed. Use to vary the outcome. See... How to Achieve Simultaneous Orgasm

    3. Climaxing has visual effects and will shake the camera and vibrate real-life accessories. See Make Toys vibrate Real Life Accessories

    4. Scenes can be extended by caressing or forced by a mod

  2. New - Love Packs & SLAL Animation Packs - see SLAL Animation Packs

  3. New - Scenes Play Music - There's currently one Music Pack available that must be installed if you wish music. Music has a hotkey to toggle and 2 volume controls - see Toys Love & Music Packs

  4. New - Optional WildLife (creature) Support - Love Scenes will work with wildlife, but only if you've installed the WildLife mod - see WildLife

  5. New - MCM Updates - Much has changed and re-organized. The noteworthy are...

    1. Love Scenes Tab / Matchmaker - View the Love Scenes, disable, and play them. Includes easy-to-use matchmaking, and the option to auto-play random scenes using actors near.

    2. Love Tab - Settings for Stages, Extend Scene, Moan Frequency, Strapon, Futa. Spontaneous Orgasm moved here.

    3. Rousing & Denial Tab - New settings change how rousing is impacted by Squirting & Fondle/Caressing. Includes During Love Scenes and elsewhere

    4. Scenes & Volume Tab - Volume for sounds and music, and misc scene features for both Love Scenes and elsewhere

    5. Hotkeys & Debug Tab - Hotkey assignment / a new Love Packs Detail option, self-documenting the installed packs' love scenes

  6. New - Hotkeys

    1. Deny - no change - Hold this down during a scene, before squirting occurs, to attempt orgasm denial

    2. Fondle/Caress - Changed - Use to fondle when not in a Love Scene. In a Love Scene, it Caresses your partner if held down and helps achieve Simultaneous Orgasm

    3. Advance - Changed - Advance Scene Stage. This includes love scenes, and some other custom animation scenes, in mods using this hotkey. You no longer need to press and hold, just tap it.

    4. End Scene - New - Ends scenes early. This includes love scenes, and other custom animation scenes, in mods using this hotkey

    5. Music - New - Toggle Scene Music volume between the High and Low volume settings. If Low Volume is set to 0, the toggle becomes an on/off switch

    6. FreeCam - New - Toggle Free Camera on/off. This can be used anytime, not just during a scene

  7. New - Love Scene Gender Support - Male, Female, and Futa support

    1. Futa Player Character is supported for Love Scenes. There's no support for Futa NPCs or any special treatment outside of Love Scenes, for now.

  8. New - Chastity StrapOn Toy - This was added primarily for automatic use in Love Scenes, but is also in the Chaotic Toy Box for general use

  9. Fixed - Speed buff/debuff will self-correct if it's gone nuts when you load a save or run the MCM - Debug Tab - Player Reset. This seems to be an AE issue

For Mod Authors:

  1. New - Love() and several other functions. See in the verbosely documented ToysFramework.psc and in Mod Author's Documentation

  2. Changed - SceneStart() and a few other relevant functions now support Music. Its also built into Love()

  3. New - ModEvents (12 added). See under "Mod Events" heading in ToysFramework.psc

  4. New - Oversexed Cure Potion can be used by mods, perhaps as a reward, or use the new function for alternate methods. This will not be distributed by Toy&Love

  5. Changed - ToyBox toy maximum extended from 100 or 110

Toys Bodyslide Pacakges v2.0 - Apr 18/2022

  1. New - StrapOn Toy gets "slided" - This is used in Love Scenes

Toys V1.83 - Feb 19/2022

  • New - Toy Used in Scene - Chance a worn toy, is used in the Spontaneous Orgasm Scene. Occurs if a supported toy is worn (currently Vaginal Stopple & Vaginal Stopple Diabolic). The player will be seen taking the toy, using it, then re-equipping it.

    • It's a "teaser" as it's only supporting 2 toys. Support for more toys is likely coming soon!

    • MCM Chance Slider

  • New - Stagger/Shake/Vibrate Strength - Max Strength of Stagger, Shake, & Accessory Vibration effects during Pulsate, Oversexexed, 'moving' Spontaneous Orgasm, and scenes in mods using these Toys Effects. Effects use a randomized strength. This caps the max.

    • You can 0 it to disable

  • Fixed - Slow Effect, which occurs during Pulsate, Oversexexed, and 'moving' Spontaneous Orgasm, unless disabled, was in a rare case, breaking Skyrim's attribute system! We believe only for AE, but uncertain. A solution/failsafe has been successfully implemented and will improve any version of Skyrim

Toys V1.82 - Feb 11/2022 - Minor fix

  • Fixed - ToysVaginalPenetration mod event was not being sent when it should in some cases

    • Shout Like a Virgin uses this to know if Virginity was lost. I'm not aware of any other mod using it yet

Toys V1.81 - Feb 9/2022 - Minor fix

  • Fixed - Oversexed in 1.8 was rebalanced but overdone. Instead of decaying faster only if near max, it was decaying twice as fast all the time. Ooops! Instead of bothering to upgrade, an alternative similar fix is to change the Oversexed Max from 12 to 8

Toys V1.8 - Feb 5/2022

  • New - No Hard Requirements - Toys now requires no Framework mod, only utilities such as MFGfix/PapyrusUtil

    • Sexlab & Sexlab Aroused are now optional

    • There is integration with Sexlab & Sexlab Aroused, if they are installed. This maintains previously existing features such as squirting and denial in Sexlab scenes and optional Rousing sync with SLA

    • The mod 'Sexlab - Remove Standard Animations" no longer conflicts with Toys

  • New - Pulsate Effect - mod authors can put this on any toy. The toy will random/periodically pulsate, causing sounds, stagger, brief periods of slow movement, and fast Rousing increase

    • The Rousing increase comes at the cost of also increasing your Oversexed

    • This effect is on some toys that come with Toys that seemed fitting. It's also been put on some toys in each existing separately installed Toy Box, once released

    • MCM has a chance setting & option to turn off "slow"

    • Will vibrate your controller and other real-life accessories

  • New - Vibrate Real Life Accessories - When your camera shakes, XInput compatible controllers (XBox etc), and supported accessories vibrate

    • In Toys, this includes the new Pulsate Effect, 'moving' Spontaneous Orgasm, and falling when blindfolded

    • Mods can call to 'Shake' and get vibrate at the same time. Mods where this is already in use... Toy Story, Shout Like a Virgin, and HoT&WeT

    • MCM has several options, including volume

    • See How to make Toys vibrate Real Life Accessories

  • New - Fondle Animations - 3 new Fondle Thyself animations, taking it from 5 to 8. This plays when Rousing is high (MCM option), or when you use the Fondle hotkey as a means to try and raise your Rousing. These animations are custom made for Toys by our new 'Toys Team Member' Slappa (aka. HeyDayy) who has more in store for us in future releases

  • New - Voice In My Head v2 - Voice In My Head displays text messages which can be much longer than a notification. Is now using a widget, instead of vanilla dialogue, giving these benefits...

    • MCM options: Move widget vertically on the screen (has 2 presets), text color, and text font size

    • Messages are buffered, and optionally queue up to wait

    • Unlike v1 VIMH, they display during freecam. No more annoying switching in and out of freecam

  • New - Self Contained Stripping/UnStrip - Toys now has built-in lightweight functionality for stripping Armor/clothing items before a scene, then recalling the items and re-equipping after a scene

    • Is used by Toys itself for scenes like Spontaneous Orgasm and Exhausted, instead of using Sexlab

    • Is available to Toys Content mods

    • Don't confuse this with Toys Strip Effect, where a toy forces off main armor/clothing, which is unchanged

  • New - Self Contained Expressions - Instead of only doing the gagged mouth itself, Toys now does all the various expressions internally instead of using Sexlab

    • Several MCM options including disabling, and a new "strength" slider

    • New Ahegao

    • More consistency for gag mouth staying open, for example, some animations rudely close the mouth! Now it gets forced back open

    • Available to Toys Content mods and includes NPC support

  • Changed - Rousing Bar now has additional MCM options to adjust height and color

  • Changed - Oversexed will decay a little faster if maxed, and it's 'slow', on average, is a shorter duration

  • Changed - More tweaks to make MCM less vulnerable to the "MCM not showing up SkyUI bug"

  • Changed - Startup notification "Toys v?" is no longer

  • Fixed - A few MCM texts that were out of date. A few toys descriptions that still said Aroused instead of Roused

  • Fixed - Chance of "Blowing off a Toy" by orgasm (for a toy with that feature), was not working as frequently as intended

  • Fixed - Vaginal Stopple (Diabolic), should not have included the keyless option. Metal Bit (Exotic), should have been using a tiny exotic key

  • Fixed - Toys HitFallOff Effect was sometimes reset when it should not, making it take longer to get rid of that toy!

For Mod Authors... as always, use the verbose documentation in ToysFramework.psc

  • New - Pulsate() - Trigger the pulsate effect directly (without a toy)

  • New - ModEvent... Pulsate

  • New - Shake() - Shake Camera and Real Life Accessories

  • New - VIMH() - Voice In My Head, as described above

  • New - StipAll() / UnStrip() - Strip armor/clothing , as described above. Works without Sexlab

  • New - Additional API for Facial Expressions, including Ahegao & NPC specific. Works without Sexlab

  • New - GetOversexedMax() - returns the current value for Maximum Oversexed

  • New - Faction ToysForbiddenInScene - use to exclude an actor from a scene

  • New - Keyword ToysNoStrip - stops stripping when using StipAll(). No need on toys, as toys are auto-excluded, but you can HideToy() them instead

  • Changed - InitSceneStart() / InitSceneEnd() includes new stripping without requiring Sexlab

Toys_Bodyslide_SE_CBBE_3bbb_V1.1 - Jan 30, 2022

  • With the release of Bodyslide and Outfit Studio v5.5+, the Toys-Leia Bra became incompatible and was causing Bodyslide to crash when you build it. This update fixes. Other bodies were not impacted, only CBBE 3bbb/3ba

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