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Toys - Change Log - Archive for 2021

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Toys V1.7 - Dec 29/2021

  • New - Rousing Bar (widget) - Rousing, the new name for Arousal, is now visual with an on-screen bar

    • Bar will flash briefly when changing, and become almost red when you are Oversexed, or close to it

    • Bar will fade to lower Opacity when not active (not changed recently)

    • The Opacity for both active and inactive states can be changed in MCM, or disabled for either state. The screen position can be change

  • Changed - Arousal is Rousing - The name change is due to Toys Rousing, now being independent from SLA Arousal

    • There's an MCM setting to "Sync" Rousing & Arousal. Sync is off by default. Off = 2 independent values. On = same as previously

    • As an example, with Sync off, SLA's sudden increase in Arousal when you fast travel, or pass game time by sleeping, will not occur

    • Sexlab is an exception... When Sync is off, Rousing will still decrease for a sexlab scene unless you denied your climax

  • Changed - Better Gag Signing - You no longer need to "try again" unless your attempt fails (chance in MCM). When signing is successful, you are taken directly into dialogue. Animation will continue while you in dialogue too

  • New - Equipped Arrows Hide - Now any scene using Toys Scene Management features, hides your arrows during scenes

    • You can disable in MCM

  • New - Compensate for Sexlab Strapons - previously sexlab's equipping of strapons, on the player, caused removal of Nipple toys, since they use the same slot. Now if sexlab tries this trickery, toys hides the Nipple toy for the scene, then un-hides it

  • Changed - Breast toys now hide, when a mod hides a Torso toy, such as a harness

  • Changed - Involuntary Fondle chance lower now because the trigger frequency is lower

  • Changed - There's a few less sounds for toys equipping

  • Changed - Getting toy properties data optimized

  • Changed - Some annoying Voice In My Head lines were removed

  • Changed - Harm Health Effect won't fire if it would kill you. Was rare but it previously could intentionally kill

  • Fixed - When leaving/escaping Vanilla Jail, Skyrim was trying to re-equip all the toys, since copies were placed in the evidence box, thus you ended up with annoying messages & duplicates.

    • Now when arrested, toys hide, so they can't be confiscated, then un-hide once you are in jail. Thus they don't try to re-equip when you leave

    • This should work nicely with prison mods too. I've tested with one

  • Fixed - Buffs that were grouped, ignored the Notification setting - no more

Toys V1.6 - Dec 13/2021

  • New - Expressions chance slider - MCM setting let's you vary the frequency, or disable

  • New - Self Healing toys Registry - Toys tracks data for each slot. It's possible for this data to become stale if something fails, like an aborted scene or a equip/unequip conflict with another mod

    • now on load of a save, or use of the MCM "Player Reset", there's a Registry and Buffs refresh

    • the same refresh will auto-trigger when an error is detected

    • as an example, the refresh will correct a wrong alternate animation playing such as arm binding

  • Changed - Timed Transform Effect Overhauled

    • A more efficient and reliable method to track timers and trigger the transformation. Skyrim was being Skyrim but no more!

    • When a timed toy is removed by the player, the timer will expire, leaving you with the transformed toy in your inventory

  • Changed - Spontaneous Orgasm Tweaks

    • Will no longer trigger if arousal level has gone below the trigger level, while waiting in queue. For example, no more Spontaneous Orgasms after a love scene that has lowered arousal

    • The "Moving Spontaneous Orgasm" variant no longer considers Hardcore Magical Binding to be the same as regular arm binding, which means it plays less frequently. You can still change its frequency with the MCM Chance Slider

  • Changed - Periodic arousal increase, determined by the total arousal strength of worn toys, will no longer occur during scenes. Other events can still increase or decrease arousal during scenes

  • Fixed - Unarmed Buff max amount is now enforced (stacked amount from multiple toys)

Toys_Bodyslide_SE_CBBE_3bbb_V1.0a - Nov 20/2021

  • Fixed - Toys-Nipple Tease Collar - On some body presets, the fit was goofed up. Fixed now

    • This is also used by SLaVE and named Virgin Nipple Tease Collar

    • You can update without impacting load order. Bodyslide packages have no plugin so are not part of load order

    • A big thank you to @leesjig who found and shared the trick used to fix this

Toys V1.5a - Nov 19/2021

  • Changed - Expressions Overhauled

    • In addition to Spontaneous Orgasm, Expressions now play for these events.... Oversexed, Strip, Exhausted, certain toys equip/unequip, Blind Fall, Harm Health & Stamina, Explosion Effect

    • Expressions now "independently end" instead of at a scene end, thus an expression can "linger" after something ends. Such is the case also for Toys content mods using Expressions via Toys

    • Other Expression Mods can interrupt Toys expressions, most notably the gag mouth (nothing can be done about that). Toys will no longer periodically interrupt these mods when no gag mouth or Toys expressions is playing

  • Changed - Visual and Physics Effects for toy Transformation and Oversexed now have Strong and Light variants

    • Strong includes physics (objects go flying, then "auto clean" after) and more significant visuals

    • Light has no physics and scaled back visuals (less area of effect)

    • MCM includes a new chance that the light plays instead of the strong, giving more variety. Default is 50/50

  • Changed - Spontaneous Orgasm

    • During the "moving" version of the Spontaneous Orgasm which plays when your hands are tied, and also randomly per your MCM settings... the knockback effect strength and area of effect (affecting NPCs) has been toned down

    • 2 of the 15 animation sets use an innocent object. This was remaining in the player's hand till you did something other than run. Now the object is cleared at scene end

    • Male Players will now see their slong become erect

  • Changed - Fondle

    • You can now Fondle when Hardcore Magical Wrist Bindings are active. Only regular arm or yoke bindings prevent fondling

    • Can no longer be interrupted in a few scenarios. You can still voluntarily interrupt it plus move about freely

  • Changed - Hardcore Magical Wrist Bindings could not switch to "softcore" so long as you remained in the drawn weapon state. Now they can switch, making the chance setting set, actually give what is intended

  • Fixed - In a rare case, arousal could increase a crazy amount. Bad math fixed

For Mod Authors - as always, more detail can be found in ToysFramework.psc

  • New - SpankSound()

  • New - GetTimeRemain() / GetTimeRemainS() - these are for the TimedTransform Effect introduced last release

  • New - a mod event for TimedTransform

  • Changed - RandomExpression() has new chance parameter

  • Changed - Each Expression function in Toys now ends on its own after a random period, making them easier to use and linger beyond scene end

  • Changed - Fondle mod event is now sent on completion instead of start

Toys V1.4 - Oct 1/2021

  • New - Timed Transform Effect - A toy with this effect, will transform to a different variant of itself, using a timer. This is primarily for mods to use for specific quest scenarios, but we have 2 examples of this in use now...

    • Workout Plugs (Diabolic) in the Chaotic Toy Box (included with Toys)... starts nasty and cannot be removed, then after 10 game hours, it's nasty goes away and its lock can now be used

    • Cicero's Gloves in the Classic Toy Box v1.3. Not going to say what they do. Is an example of a "trick toy"

  • New - Toy Boxes are now NOT loaded during a new game startup. They will load when you load your first (or any) save. This was done to make Toys much less susceptible to the infamous "MCM does not show up" bug in SkyUI

    • In addition, minor changes to timing of some events on startup of a new game were made

  • New - Fondle uses Facial Expressions

  • New - MCM now has a dual Gag Mouth Open Strength setting for Males and Females. Removes confusion if switching sex with the default auto load of settings

  • Changed - Some Toys were using a generic Ground Object (what you see in the preview, and if the toy is dropped). Now there's only one remaining using a generic

  • Fixed - The combo of wearing a yoke, with a wrists cuffs toy doing arm binding, caused cases of playing the wrong animation. The Yoke animation now always "wins"

  • Fixed - Gag mouth and Expressions have not be consistent in SE, but are perfect in LE. This is now adjusted so that hopefully, its now always working in SE too

For Mod Authors - as always, more detail can be found in ToysFramework.psc

  • New - Timed Transform Effect keyword, plus a "time" property you fill on the toy

  • New - SayTheTopic() has new parameter MCMOverride. SayTopic is depreciated but will be around for a while

Toys V1.3 - Sep 11/2021

  • New - MCM Settings AutoSave/Load - MCM Setting changes are always auto-saved. They are loaded when you load a save or start a new game... essentially they are persistent. You can disable this

  • New - Lively Lungs Effect - Animates the breasts. Upon squirt/orgasm or fondling, causes oscillation of breast size. This exercises your breasts, keeping them healthy, thus any active shout cooldown will end early. MCM options set chance, disable, and set min/max size of breasts to oscillate between

    • most of the "melting" nipple toys in the Toy Boxes included with Toys, new use this (i.e. Lively Lungs once transformed to melted state)

  • New - Hardcore Strip Effect - a toy with the Strip Effect, will force your main armor off. If it's the Hardcore Strip Effect armor is forced off immediately upon equipping. The regular Strip Effect is chance-based, stripping after a delay, now updated such that if chance is set to 100, it will behave the same as hardcore

    • a couple toys in the Toy Boxes included with Toys, now use this

  • New - Explosion Cleaning - Toys uses 3 visual/sound effects, that also have physics, knocking stuff out of place, which is entertaining but you may not like the mess! Well fear not, it's self-cleaning now. You will see the explosion reverse back time moving most things back into place, just not your keys. The 3 effects involved are from the Strip Effect, Toy Transformation, and Oversexed

  • Changed - Height Adjust Feature - this feature, used to compensate for heels during scenes so that animations align, was turned off in SE, as it was not reliable. Now it's reliable and turned on. Foot Toys now no longer "phase" (hide) for scenes due to this update

  • Changed - Arousal - some subtle balancing tweaks

  • Changed - If your toy lock jammed (Lockjam transform), when having the required key, the message was confusing. Now its clear

  • Changed - 2 of the Voice In My Head lines were replaced

  • Fixed - If you removed a gag while signing, the speech blocked state could become stuck. Now you can remove it any time you feel like

    • if you are in the stuck state when before you upgraded, you may need to sign once, to cure it

  • Fixed - One of the fondle animations was doing nothing, now it fondles

  • Fixed - Installation Test only runs a scene using animations

  • Fixed - Transform should not trigger if the toy is hidden. Now it behaves

For Mod Authors - as always, more detail can be found in ToysFramework.psc

  • New - Keywords for Lively Lungs Effect & Hardcore Strip Effect

  • New - Crawl() - This lets you turn the Crawl Effect on/off via a direct call instead of using the keyword on a Toy. Useful when crawling is desired, but not associated with a specific toy

  • New - GetOversexedVal() / GetOversexedMax()

  • New - Modevents: ToysDenied / ToysOversexed / AnalPenetration / OralPenetration

Toys V1.2 -Aug 17/2021

  • New - Bound Wrists Features - While bound (Regular Arm Binding & Hardcore Magical Wrist Binding)...

    • Spontaneous Orgasm New Scene While Bound - Instead of toys phasing into Oblivion for this scene, a new bound scene plays. You can even keep running/walking, or at least try to

      • This will always play if your wrists are bound, INCLUDING bound by another mod

      • By default to give more variety, this will also sometimes play when not bound... the chance of it playing for not bound is a new slider in MCM

    • Gag Signing While Bound by Another Mod - Instead of the animation playing and looking stupid, the notifications and sounds play, but you don't actually sign (silent signing) if bound by another mod

    • Fondle/Blind/Crawl/Exhausted While Bound by Another Mod - These actions will not occur at all if bound by another mod

    • Equipping While Bound - You are no longer prevented from equipping things when bound by Toys, except for weapons or spells. This change was made because it's too intrusive for other mods

  • New - Horseback Features

    • Mounted Arousal - When mounted, the periodic arousal increase, based on arousal strength from toys worn, has an added random amount, causing faster arousal increase when riding a horse

    • Phasing on Mount - When you mount a horse, any Wrist or Foot Toy (Armbinder/Yoke/Locked Wrist Cuffs/High Heels/Bitch Boots/etc.) will phase into oblivion... The toys are temporally hidden until you dismount

    • No Transform when Mounted - Toys no longer transform while mounted, since this can cause the horse to fly, and not in a fun way

  • Changed - FreeCam & Voice In My Head - Last release, Freecam was by default, turned off. This is because FreeCam combined with Voice In My Head were not playing nice with each other. A new approach found, is now letting them play nice, thus FreeCam is now back on by default

  • Changed - Voice In My Head Frequency - There's a "chance" for each Voice In My Head "event", and this has been lowered a bit for many, to gain a balanced frequency. There's a chance slider that you can use to turn it down further or disable

  • Changed - Notifications Consolidation

    • Transformation - When more than 1 toy transforms in the same instance, instead of displaying individual notifications, you will just see "X toys Transformed"

    • Buffs - when more than 3 buffs, notifications were too long, thus now, when only a few buffs you see the details as before, but when more than 3, you just see "X Buffs Changed". You can look in the MCM on the Active Effects/Buffs tab

  • Fixed - Equipping Toys when bound by a certain other mod, was capable of getting you stuck in a loop. This is because the other mod is trying to prevent equipping things when you are bound. The solution is that Toys does not prevent the unequip

Toys V1.1 -Aug 8/2021

  • New - Arousal, Denial, and Oversexed - See Features - under the Arousal, Denial, and Oversexed heading. The following is just a summary, there is better detail on the Features page

    • Denial Button - try to Deny your orgasms/squirting to maintain your arousal

    • Fondle button - try to Increase your arousal

    • Oversexed - Denying and Fondling increase Oversexed, the increase making success harder. Visual and slow effects occur when your Oversexed is high

    • Squirting - It was always a thing.... now each squirt decreases arousal incrementally

    • Denial in Sexlab Scenes - The Deny button works, anywhere you see squirting (or hear it if the visual is off). This includes Sexlab Scenes and can be turned off

    • Mods that Modify Sexlab - Yes it's compatible with those too, and this is where the above feature is useful

    • Tip Message Boxes - There are new Tip Messages for Denial, Oversexed, and Squirting

    • Male Squirting - Ya, does not look good... turn it off in the MCM. You can still hear it, deny it, and try to keep your arousal up

  • New - Arousal and Denial tab in MCM - This brings all things Arousal into one place and includes settings for the new features above... Denial hotkey, Fondle hotkey, Oversexed Max, Use Denial in Sexlab Scenes, and Squirting Visual

  • New - Thermal Effect - It's like arousal, with a thermal strength assigned to Thermal Toys... a measure of their "warming". The total Thermal Strength from worn toys is available for mods to use. Toys does nothing with this on its own

  • New - Thermal Toys - The Thermal Effect has been assigned to most toys that "melt", found in the 3 Toy Boxes that come with Toys

  • New - Toy Transformation Visual/Sound - replaced the transformation sound with a visual effect instead, and there is still a slight sound. It's faster, and will send your dropped keys and other objects flying!

  • New - Voice In My Head lines - this is the text you see bottom center of screen. There are lots more lines to see thanks to contributions from @Aki K & @mercplatypus

  • Changed - FreeCam default is now set to 0 (off) - better for when lots of Voice In My Head lines

  • Fixed - it was possible for a buff to NOT get cleared when a toy is removed by being manually swapped. This was fixing itself eventually, but now works correctly, clearing right away

For Mod Authors (as always, more detail can be found in ToysFramework.psc)

  • New - GetArousalStr() - returns the total arousal strength, for worn toys

  • New - GetThermalStr() - returns the total thermal strength, for worn toys

  • New - SquirtingEffect() - use this to fire off a squirt and arousal decrease, allowing the player the option to deny, such that your scene can join the Denial and Oversexed party

  • New - FondleThySelf() - use this to start the fondle and arousal increase

  • New - FondlingActive Property - use this to check and see if the PC is fondling thyself

  • New - Mod Event: ToysVaginalPenetration - Sends when a scene has penetrated vaginally, and no blocking keyword

  • New - Mod Event: ToysClimax - The point at which Toys has deemed the love scene to reach climax, if not denied

  • New - Keyword for Thermal Effect - (ToysEffect_Thermal) will make your toy have a "warming" value, contributing to the result returned by GetThermalStr()... yes this will be seen by HoT&WeT or any future mod using GetThermalStr()

V1.0 is our official "exit from beta", but what does this actually mean?

  • Backward Compatibility going forward - From this point forward, content mod authors can expect backward compatibility. This means the API wont force a recompile, will remain compatible, and Toys assets in use won't disappear, or change their position in Toy Boxes (can't promise the Toy Boxes part, if the Toy Box is from another author)

  • Feature Complete - I mean when is a mod ever complete? But the features we set out to do for V1 are done, and some extras crept in. The only exception to this is NPC support is minimal (cosmetic only), and this is one of the items on the list for the near future

  • Stability - It's been pretty solid all through beta, and the plan it to keep it that way

  • Toy Story - This separate quest & demonstration mod continues to be updated to provide tests/demos of new Toys functionality. You will need the latest version. Toy Story will exit its own beta period when it's main quest is complete

  • Bodyslide - We have discontinued support for SE UNP. SE BHUNP 3bbb support continues. This reduction to 5 bodies which will remain supported, instead of 6, will free up time for making things so compelling, it will be worth it to switch to another body for the 2% of users effected

Toys V1.01 - Jul 18/2021 - a Minor Maintenance Release

  • Changed - Toy unequipping got a little faster/smarter/safer

  • Changed - When you are sent to jail, or transformed to a Vampire/Werewolf, Skyrim's attempts to remove toys are now silent

  • Changed - Player Reset option in MCM got a little smarter, for example it can fix "Walk on Water" after going wrong. Game load and Player Reset now deal with refreshing Buffs if something went horribly wrong

  • Fixed - Ever notice the MCM tab for Toy Boxes occasionally showed the wrong toy when clicking on details, viewing the tool tip, or equipping? Well not any more

  • Fixed - Rare cases of gag signing misbehaving

  • Partial Fix of Mod Conflict - On game load, FNIS Sexymove alternate animations will no longer be cancelled

For Mod Authors:

  • Fixed - NoGagSigningFaction was not working all the time, now it does

Toys V1.0 - Jul 11/2021 - our Exit from Beta Release

  • New: Leia Bra - A Bra that is very unlike a Chastity Bra! This one lets your nipples breath, or be teased with another toy. It will melt on high arousal (transform), and then its chainmail "cover" will fade into Oblivion

  • New: Variants of Toys - This has resulted in 23 new toys found in the Insignia, Chaotic and Ancient Toy Boxes. Variant means, existing toys, but with different effects, escape methods, and/or using the new Buff/Debuff feature

    • You will see some new names in use too, to differentiate, such as Mystic and Diabolic

  • New: Buffs/Debuffs - Toys can use one or more of the following buffs. Each can be a debuff too, other than Unarmed. Each buff can be a flat amount, or be scaled to your arousal level

    • Attributes - Health / Stamina / Magicka

    • Resistances - Magic Damage / Fire / Frost

    • Special Purpose - Unarmed Damage / Sneak Skill / Speed

      • A new tab in the MCM, shows you all active buffs

      • There's nothing stopping a mod author from putting custom buffs on their own toys. Advantage of these Toys Buffs, is they require nothing more than a keyword and 2 values, plus they can scale to arousal

      • Buffs of the same, on more than one toy, will stack, and will stack with buffs from other mods

  • New: Water Walking Effect - Yes a toy with this effect, does have you walking on water

  • New: Self Bondage - Toys knows if the player (as opposed to a mod) has equipped a toy through inventory, or MCM, and this is considered to be "self bondage". You now have new MCM options....

    • Leave Unlocked if Self-Equipped - OFF by default. When on, manual unequip will be treated as "already unlocked", thus you wont need a key or use of another escape method

    • Unequip All Self-Equipped Toys - Runs an auto unequip of any self bondage toys worn

  • New: Toy Unequip Fails Message - Previously, if you tried to unequip, you'd see only a notification "Cannot remove <toy name>". Now you will see a pop up message, telling you of the key that you need, or that the toy cannot be unlocked, thus there must be another escape method

  • New: MCM Additions/Changes - There's a slight re-arrangement of MCM tabs, and you will find...

    • Setting Presets - In addition to being able to save and load your own custom settings, you can now start with a preset. There's 3 choices... Casual / Starting Out / Spank Me Hard

    • New Active Effects/Buffs tab - shows you active effects, buffs, and debuffs, all in one place, resulting from the toys currently worn and your current arousal. "Adjust Buffs/Debuffs" sliders let you slide those buffs

    • Self Bondage options (as above)

    • Free Camera Speed - Also lets you disable if the slider is set to 0

    • New Player Reset - Run this Debug option when a scene from any mod has left you stuck, as a last resort

    • Removed "exhausted & spontaneous orgasm during combat" sliders. You can no longer experience these scenes mid-combat. Was too prone to issues. They can still occur immediately after combat, and in the case of exhausted, absolutely will

  • Updated: Toys Values & Weights - All toys now have values, for bondage shops, and weights

  • Updated: Arm Binding & Yoke animations - These are now completed. People who noticed H2H combat having some odd animations when moving about, will no longer notice that!

  • Updated: Gag Signing - Signing will be successful earlier during the animation, plus notify you with "Signing Success" if notifications are not turned off. You then know when you can try to speak

  • Updated: Voice In My Head now has a few more random things to say in your head, thanks to Nazzzgul666's contribution in creative writing. We do need more of these!

  • Fixed - Voice in Head for Arousal, should only occur if a toy worn is contributing to the arousal change. Now it actually does that

For Mod Authors:

  • New: Mod Events - There's 24 of them. They are listed with details under the heading "Mod Events" in ToysFramework.psc. Here's a few examples...

    • Scene related - start/end, orgasm, stumble and fall

    • Toys Effects - pretty much all effects

    • Misc - squirting, key drop, signing, fondle

  • New: GetWornByType() - Returns the toy worn in the slot by ToyType

  • New: ToysNoRemoval "keyword" possible without dependency on Toys. See ToysFramework.psc for detail

  • New: ToysNoGagSigning Faction - lets you place your quest mod NPCs in that faction, if you wish to skip the signing

  • New: StorageUtil can be used to check if the player is busy in a scene, including Toys content mod's scenes using the Scene API. You check for Toys_SceneRunning == 1. This can be done without hard, or even soft dependency. Its the equivalent of using the Toys IsBusy() function

  • Updated: InitSceneStart(), has new optional, parameter, SceneName, which gets logged, and is used in Mod Events. This needs a recompile if you use that function. I've checked with authors with a published mod

  • Updated: IsBusy() now includes a check for "furniture in use"

Toys V 0.8 (Last Beta) - Jun 15/2021

  • New: Blind Stumble & Fall - When blind effect is active, such as when wearing a blindfold, you may stumble and fall when you run or sprint.

    • You may stumble and not fall

    • Your chance is, by default, much higher if sprinting. Chance can be set in MCM for both run and sprint

    • The animation for blind running has also been improved

  • New: Signing - When your mouth is blocked, such as when wearing a gag, you will sign (animations) when first attempting to speak to an NPC. Chance of success is set in MCM. No menus to click through. Signing will not occur for force greets, its only when initiate the dialogue

  • New: Key Dropping - You may drop keys under the following situations. Each of these have a chance slider in MCM. Wondering how to get keys? Try this mod... Toyful Temptations

    • during a Spontaneous Orgasm

    • when a toy, is blown off by orgasm

    • during a Blind Fall

    • during the Exhausted scene

    • when your armor is forced off (not stripping for scenes)

    • while Swimming

  • New: Built-in Gender Compatibility - By default, toys are treated as "female only". The author can config them as compatible for Male & Female, or Male Only. The option for other gender compatibility is wide open for the future, for example we may add Futa.

    • If you try to manually equip a toy that is not compatible for your gender, you get a notification and it wont equip. This is built into the calls that content mods make too

  • New: Configured for Male - All Toys have been configured properly for male/female, using the new feature above.

    • All except 2 toys in the Insignia Toy Box, are male compatible, as they have had updates specifically for male. Some toys in other toy boxes where updated too, and some were good "as is".

    • You can see all available Toy Boxes here... Toys Family of Mods & Toys Boxes. Overall, between all the boxes, more than half work for male

    • No "Male Only" toy, such as male chastity, is available yet

  • New: Male Context Support - All sounds/voice, and text, is in the correct male context within Toys. Some animations not appropriate have been filtered. For now there are some animations intended for female, that look ok-ish, left in. Also males don't use the Squirt visual/sound effect

  • New: Voice In My Head - This is dialogue-like text, displayed bottom center, as an alternative to using notifications or pop-up boxes.

    • It can be longer without a reduced font size, and is more immersive

    • Its called "Voice in My Head" because its actually dialogue but there's no other actor

    • You will see this in use for many Toys events. Content mods can use it

  • New: Gag Mouth Open Adjustment - can now be adjusted in the MCM. It will also default appropriately by gender, on a new game start, as the opening needs to be different per gender

  • New: Force 3rd Person Option - If in first person, you will be forced into 3rd when hardcore arm binding starts, you start crawling, you fondle yourself, or you start to blind fall. This allows for awareness and can be turned off in MCM

  • Changed: You can see a toy "blown off" or transformed, immediately now if Freecam was active. The Freecam is momentarily turned off to allow this, since rendering does not update when Freecam is active

  • Changed: Fondle ThySelf MCM chance setting now split into "Chance at High Arousal" & "Chance after Orgasm"

  • Changed: Mod Initialization and Toy Box loading has been refined during game load and new game starts, to be more resilient to lag, vanilla start, and alternate starts

  • Changed: OrgasmLastDate, now gets updated in SLA, by Toys, when it should. Beats me what that actually changes

  • Fixed: The gag open mouth was not consistently kept open. Now it is, unless another mod is play around too

  • Fixed: Events such as Spontaneous Orgasm, or any scenes in content mods (if they use the Toys IsBusy() feature), will no longer interrupt you while crafting

  • Fixed: If something nasty happens like an abnormal end to a scene in some other mod, it was possible for some Toys Effects to be missing, or left around when they should not be. Toys now refreshes all effects on game load, and corrects any inconsistency left for toys registered, which is what you see on the MCM Worn Toys tab

  • Fixed: Sounds from toys on NPCs, like the jingle of bells and chains, sounded like they are coming from the player. Now the sound is coming from the NPC

For Mod Authors:

  • New: GetToy() and HandleToy() are now "gender compatibility aware"

  • New: IsToyCompatible() - Returns true if the toy is compatible with the player or NPC gender

  • New: SayTopic() aka "Voice In My Head" - Lets you display text bottom center, using Skyrim's Dialogue Topic feature. Useful for more immersive, longer text. If voiced, that will work too

  • New: VersionNum() & VersionString() - Use to check if the version of Toys, you require, is installed

  • New: IsToysLoaded() - this is a boolean version of WaitToysLoad()

  • New: Status Properties added for SigningActive & SpeechBlocked

  • Fixed: IsBusy() now includes crafting as a busy state

May 23 - Minor Bodyslide Update - The Bodyslide package, for Toys LE CBBE only, has been updated to v0.7.1. Pulsating Toys - This visual effect you will see on the Scanty Belt and Bitch Boots, was missing for this body. Fixed now

Toys V 0.7 (aka. Beta 5) - May 18/2021

  • New: Tox Box Support - What is a Toy Box? It's like an Animation Pack, but for toys instead of Animations! A Toy Box adds its toys into the Toys Framework registry, sharing the toys with other mods. Details

  • New: The framework comes with 3 Toy Boxes included... Insignia, Chaotic, and Ancient. The Classic Set was moved to become it's own separately installed Classic Toy Box SE LE, and its expanded. SLaVE is also sharing some of it's toys now, in a toy box it includes called "Virgin Toy Box"

  • New: Toy Box MCM Interface... lets you select from intalled toy boxes, see the toys, view their detail, and equip in vacant slots

  • New: Pulsating Toys - This is a visual effect you will see on the Scanty Belt and Bitch Boots. It includes pulsating colors and fading into oblivion. Sample video

  • New: Jockjam Transform - A toy with the Transform LockJam Effect will transform on a failed attempt to unlock. This may happen when you try to remove with no key and can also fail when using the correct key (MCM settings of course). This is the 4th type of transformation available now

  • New MCM Option: "Invulnerable During Scenes / God Mode". This feature was always ON, now you can turn it off... Useful if wanting the danger, or wishing to use god mode manually

  • Updated: Some minor tweaks and improvements to toys

  • Updated: Continued to optimize more for performance... "DD Play Nice", checking slots, and effects queue

  • Updated: Toy Register Refresh. In the rare event of something fatal, like a CTD mid toy changing, it was possible to leave an incorrect register behind, leading to other silly things. The register does a refresh on game load now, if it sees any discrepancies

  • Fixed: A rare case of the Busy Check (which can be used by content mods) becoming stuck... can no longer become stuck!

For Mod Authors:

  • New: GetToy() Function - allows selection from Toy Boxes, including random selection, and selection by preferred toy box (i.e. equip toys from the same box for "box" already worn the most), and more. See details in ToysFramework.psc

  • New: WaitToysLoad() - functions such as GetToy() use this to wait for the few seconds while toy boxes are loaded on a game load. This is included as a public function in case a mod needs it. It will be rare

  • New: MCM Log Level - Now has 3 levels, Critical, Verbose, and Very Verbose. You will want Very Verbose when using the log to see GetToy() and HandleToy() in action

  • Updated: IsSlotAvailable() has one parameter change, in support of Toy Boxes. This requires update/recompile

Toys V 0.6 (aka. Beta 4) - Apr 29/2021

  • Fixed: a couple of core toy handling scripts were able to, in some rare situations, reach a race condition and end up in an infinite loop, which was then baked into your save, eating scenes (LE and SE). This is now confirmed impossible

  • Fixed: the code that prevents a save when your player controls are modified, was not preventing a save consistently (SE only). It now prevents saving as it should, all the time, as far as I can tell. This was allowing Skyrim to create a save capable of eating scenes

  • Changed: Blind Effect animations are updated to look a little different

  • Changed: Some MCM defaults which you will see only if you started a new game... higher arousal level for Spontaneous Orgasm, lower arousal level for Fondle Thyself, lower chance for Hardcore Magical Wrist Bindings, slightly more hits required for Hit Transform, and Lower Blind chance

  • Fixed: Spontaneous Orgasm and Exhausted now double check for busy states. Should prevent the reported cases of these playing during a Sexlab scene

For Mod Authors:

  • New: NumLock works as a hot key to display (a notification) the "Busy Status" at that moment. It tells you if Toys "sees" the player as busy. This is the result returned by Toys.IsBusy()

  • Changed: InitSceneStart() / InitSceneEnd() Functions have lost a redundant parameter, and contain the bad save prevention fix

Toys V 0.5 (aka. Beta 3) - Apr 15/2021

  • New: Bitch Boots Toy, perfect for bitchy pony girls. Comes in 2 variants. The exotic variant "melts"

  • New: Chance of Spontaneous Orgasm or Exhausted, occurring during combat. Each have a chance slider in MCM. Setting it to 0 turns it off. When these events occur in combat, you wont take damage, but the "hits" count towards any toy transform triggered by hits

  • New: The first time, after loading a save, opening the MCM takes you to the logo panel. All subsequent opening of the MCM will take you to the "Toys Worn" panel

  • Changed: Magical Binding switches states less frequently (i.e. once in hardcore, or any other pose, you won't have a chance to switch to another quickly, or by just jumping)

  • Changed: You can now read letters/books with your hands tied (i.e. hardcore magical wrist bindings are arm binding). Preventing this seemed like a good idea, but is too "breaking" for quests

  • Changed: Hits counted for eventual Transformation of a toy, count magic spell hits differently now. No more toys falling off real fast when that bitchy conjurer blows frost at you, or a dragon breaths fire

  • Changed: A toy transform was not visually rendered if occurring during the use of FreeCam. Now it will render (still possible there is a delay)

For Mod Authors:

  • New: API functions HideToys() & UnHideToys(). This is similar to Store but super simple and faster and intended for only very short scenes where "inappropriate toys" need to be off temporarily, such a heels that ruin animation alignment, or an armbinder that would look really stupid. Hide obeys the restrictive keywords, same as Store

  • New: Store and Destroy parameters added to HandleToy()

  • New: Strip parameter added to InitSceneStart()

  • Changed: Debug option on MCM Misc panel now accounts for the new Hide feature (changed from "Un-Reserve Slots/Un-Store" to "Un-Hide/Un-Reserve Slots/Un-Store")

  • Changed: Optimized IsBusy()

  • Changed: Facial Expressions functions improved

Toys V 0.4 (aka. Beta 2) - Mar 21/2021

  • Changed: Scanty Harness improved. A slight design change in the area below the breasts to work better with movement

  • Changed: Fondle Thyself now times out instead of just waiting to be cancelled by another state

  • Changed: Effects Handler got smarter, consolidated, and optimized, getting the job done doing less

  • Changed: Effects Handler can no longer trigger anything during scenes, including sexlab scenes. This is an effort to stop render lag that 2 people reported in SE

  • Changed: Toys registration got some optimization (the info it keeps that you can see in Worn Toys MCM tab)

  • Added in MCM: Squirting on/off - The squirting visual during custom and Sexlab love scenes can now be turned off

  • Added in MCM: Volume control for orgasm, screams, squirting, and other love scene sounds

  • Added: Toys is now ESL flagged, and compacted. Don't worry, its also ESM flagged and named as such. It will behave as a Master like a normal framework, but will not use a slot

  • Note: Yoke has not changed and is still a WIP

Toys V 0.3 (aka. Beta 1) - Mar 15/2021

  • New: SE Version. SE will release simultaneously with LE, for all releases going forward

  • New: 4 more Bodies supported. 6 in total now. The 4 new are for SE and include CBBE, CBBE 3BBB, UNP, & BHUNP 3BBB

  • New: Many toys added to Chaotic and Ancient Sets. Includes animated Workout Plugs and Workout Gag. Some additional Exotic Variants added, including 2 collars that use the new Harm Health and Harm Stamina effects

  • New: Scanty Harness added to the Insignia Set. Is a WIP and will likely have improvements where the darn breasts move too much

  • New: Rope Cuffs and Collar that go with the Rope Harness, to complete the rope toys

  • New: Yoke Effect similar to arm binding but for yokes! This is WIP. H2H non-combat Animations incomplete / known issue of it being overridden by hardcore magical wrist bindings

  • New: Harm Health & Harm Stamina Effects

For Mod Authors:

  • New: Added SetBusy() function

  • New: Keywords for the new Effects listed above

  • New: Statuses registered for easy checking. These include SEInstalled and SKSEInstalled

  • Added: Additional Active Effects registered for easy checking. This is now complete for all Effects where it makes sense. See ToysFramework.psc for details. Example: If Toys.CrawlingActive - do things!

  • Change: Renamed some toys. This could require a change to script if you've used a renamed toy. This sort of change will not occur once we leave beta

Toy Story V 0.3 (aka. Beta 1) - Mar 15/2021

  • Updated: MCM Tests for renamed/added toys

  • Fixed: No longer a dialogue start delay when Nightly greets you at the Trial Altar

  • Fixed: Potential for confusion with statue mechanics

  • Fixed: Events like spontaneous orgasm can no longer occur during porting. Its bad since you are just begging to be dropped into a Giant Camp. Porting uses the new SetBusy()

Toys V 0.2 (aka. Alpha 2) - Feb 26/2021

Base Toys Library

  • New: Insignia Set has 2 new toys by Audhol... Scanty Belt and Bratty Heels. A very "exotic" version of Scanty is in Toy Story

  • New: Classic Set has an Armbinder. This uses the new Arm Binding Effect (seen below)

  • New: A few new "Exotic" variants of toys, with effects that you will just have to discover yourself

  • Updated: All toys in Insignia Set now use Audhol's improved textures, for more distinct look/colors

  • Updated: Dwemer Goggles and Classic Blindfold now use the new Blind Effect

  • Updated: Bodyslide improvements for Insignia. Weighting improvements for Rope Harness

  • New: Separate UUNP and CBBE specific Bodyslide Support

Toys Effects

  • Change: Toys is using keywords for all Effects, (all except sounds) instead of the traditional approach of CK Magic Effects. The following each require only the addition of a keyword to a toy, just like most other features and effects for toys. This is easy to use, but also allows for finer control and less script firing

  • New: Arm Binding - Authors can add this effect to any toy. Normally toys such as Armbinder or wrist cuffs

    • Forces bound arms/wrists position animations. Animations are partially from Audhol, the rest from MaikCG

    • In combat, you can kick

    • Effect can only be stopped by removing the toy

  • Updated: Magical Wrist Binding - Authors can add this effect to any toy. Normally wrist cuffs, but could be anything, its magic!

    • Chance that your arms/wrists are restrained, but not sufficient enough to disallow regular combat and any other activity. The magic allows you to "break out" of the pose

    • Chance that your arms/wrists are restrained in Hard Core mode. Hardcore mode is essentially the Arm Binding effect explained just above

    • Uses 8 different styles of animations

    • Sliders in MCM allow you to adjust chance for normal mode, and Hard Core mode. If Hard Core is set to 100, you've essentially converted the toy to be the same as one using the Arm Binding effect. If set to 0 you've turned it off

  • New: Blind - Authors can add this effect to any toy. Normally a blindfold

    • Chance that you idle/walk/run/sprint with animations, all from Audhol, that simulate blindness. MCM has chance slider

    • In a future release, there will be stumble/fall animations, which are more frequent if you "try" to sprint

    • If there is demand though feedback, we may add other visually more hardcore effects. For now, the player is not visually impaired, only the character is

  • Changed: Mouth Open - Authors can add this effect to any toy. Normally Gags

    • The effect keeps the character mouth open, so long as a toy is worn with the keyword

    • Previously, this was triggered by ToysType_Mouth. Toys needing this should now add the keyword

    • In a future release we have additional effects coming, such as Gag Dialogue Signing animations, and prevention of Eating/Shouting etc.

API (for mod authors)

Note: in a few cases, you will need to re-compile, but otherwise backwards compatible. A few of these are not the sort of changes we'd make once we've reached V1

  • New: HandleToy() & IsSlotAvailable() - have built in Devious Devices "awareness". DDs are seen and treated the same as toys from other mods with restrictive keywords. No dependency on DD, this only occurs if DD is installed. Credit goes to Lupine00 and Scarb. Used a combo of their suggested techniques

  • Changed: UnStore() - has new parameter to selectively un-store a single toy

  • New Function: SpontaneousOrgasm() - Lets you trigger an instant Spontaneous Orgasm, if conditions for it are met, or queue up, in the same way Toys does it on its own, based on chance and arousal level

  • New Function: ArousalIncrease() - Trigger the same increase that occurs auto-periodically in Toys, based on sum of arousal strength from toys worn

  • New Function: ArousalAdjust() - call after a scene where arousal is to be changed by a fixed amount

  • New Registered Active Effects - Bool properties you can use directly to determine status. Example:

    • If Toys.RestrainedActive... is player's arms/wrists restrained? Examples: Armbinder, Yoke, Hard Core Magical Wrist Bindings

  • New: For dialogue conditionals, Registered Worn Toys Properties can now be used directly with GetVMQuestVariable

    • Example: GetVMQuestVariable WPelvis == 1 - True if Pelvis toy is worn

  • Fixed: a race condition in batch unequip, and applied technique to all batch operations

V 0.1 (aka. Alpha 1) - Jan 30/2021

The virgin release, thus, nothing changed!!


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