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HoT&WeT - Change Log

Updated: Jan 20, 2023


  1. HoT&WeT v1.43 requires Toys v2.62+

  2. If upgrading, a new game is not required

  3. A new game is required if newly adding this mod unless you place it at the end of the load order. See Golden Rule

    1. If it's also your first time introducing Toys in your load order, you absolutely need a new game

  4. As always, re-build in Bodyslide, even when the Bodyslide Package did not change

HoT&WeT V1.43 Jan 20, 2023

  1. New - Fondling when Oversexed Warms

    1. Fondling yourself, involuntarily or with the hotkey, when oversexed (i.e. when the rousing bar is darker) provides some minimal warmth

    2. Works even if not wearing a thermal toy, or the thermal toy has not "melted"

  2. Changed - Overheating Love

    1. Uses fallback to consistently get a scene depending on the actors available

    2. No delay. Previously had a delay waiting for slow and stagger effects to complete which no longer occurs when chance has triggered love

  3. Added info keywords and factions (useful for other mods)

HoT&WeT V1.42 Jun 28, 2022

  1. New - Orgy Compatibility - Dialogue Scenes will not be interrupted by Orgies.

  2. New - Magicka Regen on Harness - Fur Harness, now uses the new Magicka Buff Regen, in Toys&Love. The higher your Rousing, the higher the regen.

HoT&WeT V1.41 Apr 24, 2022

  1. New - Warm Squirts - Orgasms, which come with squirting, now warm you a bit. As a last resort... make innocent love and stay alive!

    1. Unchanged - Squirting also causes wetness, which is detrimental to cold exposure in the longer term. Thus it is now short-term gain... long-term pain

    2. Warm squirts will keep you from freezing to death during scenes. This is the main purpose of the feature, as freezing to death during scenes is not handled well by Frostfall which does not detect the scenes. Feature fixes that!

  2. New - XP Scaled Buff - The H&W Nipple Ts (regular & melted variant, not the exotic) now use Toys&Love's new Experience Scaled Buffs feature. The more XP, the more HP you gain (there is a cap though).

HoT&WeT V1.4 Apr 22, 2022

  1. New - Overheating triggers Love Scene - Shortly after the Overheating visual effect if NPCs are near, and you are not in combat or too busy, a random love scene starts. This includes creatures if WildLife is installed. If nobody is close, you will end up loving yourself.

    1. New - Chance Slider for this feature

    2. After some duration, Overheating occurs when in a warm area (this includes most interiors), if wearing a thermal toy. Note that most thermal toys are only "thermal" when Rousing is high enough

    3. Overheating max can be changed in MCM

    4. You can see your Overheating level using the HoT&WeT hotkey

    5. Baltus mentions this uncontrollable love during dialogue now

  2. Changed - Overheating will no longer include a knockback effect if busy in a scene

  3. Fixed - It was possible for the new hotkeys in Toys&Love to unintentionally "speed" up the campfire conjuring scenes. No more!

  4. Fixed - Fondling near a heat source was displaying an erroneous notification. No more

For Mod Authors:

  1. Toys Workshop now sends a mod event for Overheating

HoT&WeT V1.31 Fab 8, 2022

  • New - Voice In My Head - Now using new Toys v2 Voice In My Head

  • New - Vibrate Real Life Accessories - Now using Toys' new feature to vibrate accessories, during camera shake

  • Changed - Dependency on Sexlab & SLA, gone. Was only there because it was needed in previous versions of Toys

  • Changed - No longer displaying HoT&WeT notification on startup

  • Fixed - Premature fire music - The music won't play when you build a fire until you've melted a toy out of the ice

V1.3 Jan 11, 2022

  • New - Food from Fire & Fire Music

    • Once you've earned the flint, if you fondle while not too oversexed, useful food, sometimes with warming effects, will rise from the fire. This is in addition to campfires conjuring up toys

    • Music now plays while toys or food rise up from the fire. MCM has volume control

    • The quest has an extended stage to teach you that fondling near the fire conjures food

  • New - MCM Autosave, same as in Toys. MCM settings let you turn this off

  • Changed - Using Toys new Rousing. Stats Hotkey now shows Rousing instead of Arousal

  • Fixed - 2 of the toys had funky Ground Objects, sometimes floating when dropped, and invisible when rising up from the fire (was SE only). No more funk

V1.2 Sep 15, 2021

  • New - Torch uses the new Toys Hardcore Strip

  • New - Nipple toys use the new Toys Lively Lungs

  • New - Overheating uses the new Toys Explosion Cleanup

V1.1 Aug 17, 2021

  • New - Stats Hotkey - Press the hotkey, to see a pop-up showing the same stats that can be viewed in the MCM. You can select the key, or mouse button to use in the MCM

  • Changed - Warming Balance - The conversion from worn toys Thermal Strength, combined with Arousal Level, to Warming, has been reduced a bit for better balance. It's also harder now to max out Warming to 100

  • Changed - Baltus Anal Torch Now Restricted - The torch can no longer be removed by another Toys mod

  • Changed - Frequency of Voice In My Head - The frequency of these dialogue messages has been adjusted to be just a little less frequent. You can lower it further, or disable, using the slider in Toys MCM

  • Fixed - In a rare case, it was possible for Warming to not work, if Frostfall was slow to enable itself, on a load of a game. HoT&Wet no longer stops waiting for FF

V1.0 Aug 8, 2021

  • no changes! Virgin release


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