3 different approaches to making use of the Toys&Love Framework. A demo for each, and their advantage and disadvantage.
Traditional - Hard Dependency - Toy Story
Soft Dependency - Soft Toys Love
Script-less - Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies
Using this example: We want to play a love scene and equip a toy.
1. Traditional - Hard Dependency
ToysFramework Property Toys Auto
Call each function prefixed with Toys. For example call a love scene with:
Toys.Loving("My Scene", SetActorNum=0)
Primary functions: Loving() / GetToy() / HandleToy()
Demo mod: Toy Story - see TStoryMain.psc
Advantage: No limitations. Full access to all Toys&Love has to offer... properties, keywords
Disadvantage: Hard requirement
Documentation: Mod Author's Documentation
2. Soft Dependency
Bool ToysInstalled = Quest.GetQuest("toysframework")
Call each function prefixed with ToysGlobal after checking if it's installed
If ToysInstalled
ToysGlobal.Loving("My Scene", SetActorNum=0)
Primary functions: Loving() / GetToy() / HandleToy()
Demo mod: Soft Toys Love on Nexus / SoftToysLove on LL - see it's SoftToysLove.psc
Advantage: No hard requirement
Disadvantage: Some limitations. For example... can't do conditionals on properties for dialogue or script.
Documentation: Mod Author's Documentation
3. Script-less
Make a Toy Box. Add a toy. Throw a keyword on the toy. Put it in a container in the world
Keywords: Proposition Uncontrollable UncontrollableOrgy
Primary functions: n/a
Demo mod: Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies
Advantage: No Script. Use only the Creation Kit
Disadvantage: Many limitations since you are not using script
Can dress NPCs with toys, set up a merchant selling toys, add a toy box in the world
In this example, the keyword on the toy triggers love scenes without script
Documentation: Toy Box Authoring