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Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies - Change Log


  1. Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies v1.2 requires Toys v2.61+

    1. Don't miss the new requirement of building in Bodyslide

  2. If upgrading, a new game is not required

  3. A new game is required if newly adding this mod unless you place it at the end of the load order. See Golden Rule

    1. If it's also your first time introducing Toys in your load order, you absolutely need a new game

Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies v1.2 - Dec 22, 2022

  1. New - 3 Chain Toys - Sanguines Love Claws, Chain Breast Harness, & Chain Legs

    1. What are Sanguine's Love Claws? A special toy that starts love scenes when you are hit in battle. Love your enemy to death!

    2. See --> FAQs - Sanguine's Love Claws for more details and video

Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies v1.1 - Nov 5, 2022

  1. New - Lively Breast Proposition - Apparently under the influence of Sanguine, NPCs proposition you for a good time if your breasts are lively

    1. You are propositioned if your breasts are inflated 75%+ or your breasts are oscillating. You will still be propositioned if the visual effects are disabled. These are the effects of the new Toys&Love Lively Lungs Effect

    2. If you accept the proposition the love scene will sometimes be "boobjob" related but not always

    3. The proposition is not a forced greeting as in some other Toys mods. Instead, you will see NPCs commenting about your breasts, but it's up to you to engage in dialogue

  2. New toy - Sanguine's Lively Nip Clamps - While the Lively Breast Proposition feature works for any toy with the Lively Lungs Effect (there are a few in many toy boxes), it seemed appropriate to add a 2nd toy in Sanguine's Toy Box with the Lively Lungs. Sanguine agreed.

    1. Clamps cause Lively Lungs and inappropriate propositions from people

  3. New toy - Sanguine's Denial Clit - Uses the new Denial Effect in Toys&Love

    1. Numbness denies climaxes, keeping you forever roused for Sanguine

Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies V1.0 - Jun 28, 2022

First release. It's a virgin release so no changes!


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