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SLaVE - Change Log - Archive for 2021

SLaVE v8.2 - Dec 29/2021

  • New - Love Shout Music - All Love Shout scenes play music. An experiment, to see what people think

    • includes: Love Shout 1rst word (solo scenes that don't use sexlab), 2nd & 3rd word multi actor sexlab scenes, creature scenes (if you have it enabled), and Dragon Love

    • Helps to let you know the scene has started, when Sexlab takes its time to start

    • MCM has music volume control, which can also be used to disable

  • New - Dance Music - All dance scenes play music

    • includes: Mistress Dance, Erotic Dance, Dance for Dibella (asphyxiation scene), Dance with Cassia, Ghostly Dance, and Strip Shout, 3rd Word Dance

    • Dance now uses Freecam if its not disabled in Toys MCM

    • Can now dance with tied hands (yoke/arm binding). The toy will hide

    • Dance MCM settings reset your defaults when upgrading, for a longer scene (# of sets & length of set)

    • MCM has music volume control, which can also be used to disable

  • New - Arousal is Rousing - Arousal is renamed to Rousing, and is handled through Toys, not SLA

  • Changed - When Nocturnal Saves you from Death, you now have a few seconds of invulnerability to escape if some nasty is beating on you. The rare case of player controls being screwed up is now fixed too

  • Changed - If your Love Shout orgasm damage, kills a scene participant before scene end, the scene now ends early instead of continuing to love a dead corpse

  • Changed - Virgin Foot Fetish is placed in your inventory, instead of equipping, if another mod has occupied that slot with a restrictive toy

  • Changed - Advance Hotkey, is now sharing the Toys hotkey, thus using whatever you've set in the Toys MCM

  • Changed - Male actors, in non-sexlab scenes, that should be getting Erections, will now get Erections. No "Dancing Erections" though, sorry, that's reserved for Toy Story

  • Fixed - The default toys, as set in the MCM Toys & Tats tab, will always be equipped if you are punished and returned into Virgin Training. Exception is special toys which won't be replaced, such as those from Tales & Tallows

  • Fixed - Love Shout will no longer include actors marked as Forbidden

    • For example Wojtek in Toy Story... he'd get considered, but since his unique race is unknown to sexlab, you'd get the message "Nothing to Love". This example will not result in a benefit, until Toy Story's next release, since Wojtek is in Toy Story

SLaVE v8.1b - Oct 1/2021

  • Fixed - If starting a new game, with the vanilla start, the MCM in Toys was not showing up, due to this mod. The SkyUI bug that causes that, has been compensated for. It was also possible for this to effect the Toys MCM without the vanilla start

  • Fixed - Tiny rare issue where Halloween scenery was not showing up

  • Changed - Gag Signing with Nocturnal is back... ya, she no longer just immediately understands you

SLaVE v8.1 (EXIT FROM BETA) - Sep 11/2021

  • New - MCM Settings AutoSave/Load - MCM Setting changes are always auto-saved. They are loaded when you load a save or start a new game... essentially they are persistent. You can disable this

  • New - MCM Settings Presets - "Casual" - Slow pace of events & less difficulty. "Starting Out" - (default) Recommended to see what it's about if new to SLaVE... Using the Casual preset makes it easy for users who want a much less "busy" experience, to get that without finding all the relevant settings. Toys also has a Casual Preset

  • New - Foot Fetish Quest - it's back for both LE and SE. Ready to become DeerFu? The quest involves foot loss, then gaining deer hooves (new Virgin DeerFu Toy) as a replacement and other Deer-like features. There's amputation scenes when you transform, and when you are returned to your former self

  • New - Halloween Mode is ready - it's back. This is an alternate mode for the Tales & Tallows Quest, plus adds significant Halloween visual content in a great many "Nocturnal" locations. But don't turn it on till late in October!

  • New - Nocturnal Branding - it's back for both LE and SE. If you report in late, this is part of your punishment. The branding machine brands you as a slave. If SlaveTats is installed, tats are applied. This feature formerly required the Branding Device of Doom mod. That mod's brilliant concept, arrangement of vanilla assets, and math have been integrated. Credit for those things goes to the author @nooblet123. The feature was otherwise completely remade within SLaVE

  • New - Foot Fetish Toy - The former foot decoration reward given at the end of the Foot Fetish Quest, is now an ankle toy

    • Is available in the Virgin Toy Box, thus you can use the Toys MCM feature to equip

    • Is also now worn by SLaVE's Dibella NPCs

  • New - Limit Love Actors - MCM option, when ON... Multi-actor love scenes will be limited to 3. Use when you've not installed animation packs with 4 and 5 actor animations

  • Changed - Dibella Harness Toy - The former Dibella Harness, which was not set up as a toy, is now an actual toy, thus working properly now. It's rewarded at the end of your first Lily Rack Love scene

  • Changed - Nocturnal Robe - it's no longer stripped by the Toys Strip Effect. Frostfall sees it as "warming" without HoT&WeT's thermal warming, thus if using those mods, the robe can be used as a limited backup when your arousal is too low to power your thermal toys

  • Changed - Lively Lungs - This feature formerly SLaVE feature has become a Toys Effect. Most nipple Toys in SLaVE, in their melted or horny state, use it. It's also working for SE now

  • Changed - Hardcore Strip - Virgin Anal Torch uses this new Toys Effect

  • Changed - Pony Girl Cart Duty is out for SE - Pony Cart is permanently off in SE. It works well in LE and stays. For SE, a core Skyrim mechanic is clearly broken, and there's no getting around it. The Maiden Retrieval Quest lives on but does not use the cart if using SE

    • If using LE the Cart has an improvement... no rolling down hills if Cart Duty pauses (a side of effect of trying to get it to work in SE lol)

  • Changed - Counters for Anal and Oral virginity loss, on the first tab in the MCM, now work, using events from Toys instead of Sexlab, which ensures this works when a mod has modified Sexlab

  • Changed - Quests are set to active in your journal when starting

  • Changed - The "Kneel for Nocturnal" feature has been removed - it was sometimes confusing, and could cause conflicts with other animations

  • Changed - Crawl and a few other animations are now done via Toys. Trimmed out animations that have become part of Toys, to have a smaller footprint with FNIS

  • Changed - Nocturnal now understands your gagged babbles. No gag signing needed to speak with her

  • Changed - Foot toys are no longer phased (hidden) for scenes since Toys is now offering a reliable heel height compensator feature which gets used instead

  • Changed - Arousal balancing tweaked, including a higher default for the MCM Arousal Adjust setting

  • Changed - MCM updates - Lively Lungs settings moved to Toys. Fondle setting removed as it's handled in Toys. Pony Girl Cart Tab only appears if using LE

  • Fixed - in Word Wall and Waterfall scenes, apparently the orgasmic reaction was so intense, one of your arms quivered all spastic, but no more (the animation as been fixed)

  • Fixed - Death Loop in Twilight Sepulcher - The "light trap" combined with "Nocturnal saves you from death" could get you stuck in a loop. Now you will find yourself floating back to a safe spot, then Nocturnal saves your sorry ass

  • Fixed - Punitive Collar now actually removes when Nocturnal says so, upon reporting in, instead of later in the scene

  • Fixed - Potion Ability - A busy state that could cause the Virgin Workout Plugs to NOT activate Potion Loving

  • Fixed - During the Dragon Priest Masks Quest, if you equip a mask that has already had it's power transferred to your Virgin Mask Gag, it will notify "power already transferred". This way you won't be confused and think it's not working

SLaVE v8.07 (Beta) - Aug 17/2021

  • New - Transforming Anal Lantern - The Anal Lantern which you "earn" during the Tales & Tallows quest, now has a non-burning, and burning variant. It transforms to "burning" when your arousal is high, and becomes a thermal toy

  • Changed - More Thermal Toys - A few more melted toys, now are thermal. Useful if you are using HoT&WeT

  • Changed - Consolidated Love Shout Damage Notifications - Love shout Damage now uses a single line, combining the damage of multiple actors into the one line

  • Changed - Squirt arousal decrease strength, for some scenes, has been toned down

  • Fixed - Sometimes, if FreeCam is turned off, the Call Forth the Ravens, Dragon Love, and Whip Hanging scenes make you invisible. These scenes require FreeCam to work, and thus they now force FreeCam on, if it's disabled in the Toys MCM

  • Fixed - Dragon Love and Whip Hanging scenes, can break if interrupted by Voice in My Head or toy Transformation, thus these scenes now opt-out of those features

  • Fixed - Melted Full Harness - this toy was becoming invisible, instead of melting. Now it behaves

  • Fixed - Love Shout Damage on Creatures was no longer working, due to changes in the last release. It's fixed

Aug 13/2021

  • made source code for v8.06 available. This had been forgotten

SLaVE v8.06 (Beta) - Aug 8/2021

  • New: Love Shout scales to arousal - The higher your arousal, the more the damage. You can set a min and max in MCM, and the damage scales between those two values

  • New: Thermal Toys - These toys contribute to "warming" if you use the new mod HoT&WeT and Frostfall

  • New: Uses Toys Denial - The new Toys Framework Denial Button works for any SLaVE scene involving squirting. This includes most scenes, and some are not even love scenes, for example Pain is Pleasure. This allows you to keep your arousal up, which you are going to need if you have HoT&WeT and Frostfall!

  • Changed: Compatibility with mods that modify Sexlab - previously, mods that modify Sexlab, would prevent virginity loss, and love shout damage. SLaVE is now immune to this as it uses the the Toys Climax Event instead. Thanks to @RMCW for helping with this

SLaVE v8.05 (Beta) - Jul 12/2021

  • New: Buffs - the new buff/debuff feature in Toys, has been put to use on many Virgin Toys. This includes toys shared in the Virgin Toy Box

  • Updated: When Nocturnal gets pissed that you lost your virginly, or you looked at her funny, and locks your wrists, she now will now randomly use a wrists toy from any Toy Box installed... things like locked irons, armbinders, and yokes

  • Updated: All toys now have weights. Toys shared in the Virgin Toy Box now have values for bondage shops

  • Updated: Freecam is now taken care of within the Toys MCM. Thus the MCM option to change speed/disable, is no longer in this mod

  • Updated: Player Reset (the "try to get unstuck" feature) is improved and will trigger the reset feature within Toys too

  • For Mod Authors: This mods scene names are shared with Toys, thus the Toys new Mod Events, include them

SLaVE v8.04 (Beta) - Jun 15/2021

  • New: Limited Male support - Support is mainly due to new features in Toys. See Known Issues for male issues

    • All Toys that are compatible have been configured as such, including those in the Toy Box

    • You will hear only male sounds/voice

  • Changed: The naughty, "not a virgin" horns, have been reverted to the non-flamey version

  • Changed: Frequency of sexlab aggressive animations has been reduced

  • Changed: Mod Initialization has been refined during game load and new game starts, to be more resilient to lag, vanilla start, and alternate starts

  • Fixed: Removed the chain for the Anal Hook, in SE only, since in SE the hdt does not work

  • Fixed: Saved From Death, could become stuck if you are in first person. Fixed now

  • Fixed: A rare un-hide, not un-hiding, issue

  • Fixed: When nocturnal locks your wrists up, she no longer uses an armbinder, only the Locked Irons. This will be changed to random wrist toys from any box later

May 27/2021 - Bodyslide updates - SE Only

  • Bodyslide packages for each SE body have been released - Many Improvements including better support for the pregnancy slider

    • The Nocturnal Robe has known issues for SE BHUNP and SE UNP and this has not changed. Its good enough for Nocturnal to wear as she's ghostly thus her effects camouflage it, but don't bother using it on your PC until we can replace it

SLaVE v8.03 (Beta ) - May 18/2021

This update is primarily a compatibility update for Toys v0.7

  • New: SLaVE is now sharing some of its toys as a Virgin Toy Box. You will see this in the Toys MCM Tox Box tab

  • New: The Toys Insignia Scanty Belt, is now also a Virgin Scanty Belt (different variant). This is to take advantage of the new Pulsating toys feature in Toys. This toy uses the new LockJam feature found in Toys

  • Fixed: It was possible to get stuck after the rebirth, or the Lily Rack scene, or perhaps in other places. "Stuck-ness" has been obliterated, thanks to a change in Toys

SLaVE v8.02 (Beta ) - Apr 29/2021

  • Changed: The Virgin and not-a-virgin ass tats are now Toys Insignia matching pink, instead of the red that was apparently eating some people's eyes

  • New: SLaVE now has much more verbose logging

  • New: Verbose Logging, is on by default, but can be turned off in MCM

  • Changed for Less Vulnerability to Corrupt Saves: Branding Device of Doom, was an optional install, and is now removed. A soft dependency like this used, increases the chance of the mod being vulnerable to corrupt saves. BDoD will be back, as an integrated feature, with no need for soft dependency or installing anything separately

  • Changed: Exhausted animations are now using those packaged within Toys. This gives SLaVE a smaller animation footprint, and the reported consistence issues are gone

  • Changed: All scenes involving asphyxiation, now add a simple wrist toy, if you are not already wearing one. Its removed after the scene

  • Changed: When you love a shrine, some toys are hidden now for a more "toys appropriate" scene

  • Fixed: The sound for Virgin Bitch Boots was missing, on one of the variants, but now is not missing. We will be adding clip clop sound eventually

  • Fixed: A couple of records in the EPS that conflicted with Unofficial Skyrim Patch, have been adjusted such that they don't conflict

SLaVE v8.01 (Beta ) - Apr 20/2021 (only applicable for SE)

  • Fixed - NPCs were sometimes not engaging in dialogue with you (force greet)

    • This can be fairly breaking in some cases so recommend updating

    • In some cases this fix will start working immediately, the next time you meet the NPC. In other cases you many need to wait for the NPC to go away by leaving the location, and they will return later (they will always come meet you again eventually). You can also resort to loading an earlier save

SLaVE v8.0 (Beta ) - Apr 15/2021

New - Utilizes Toys Features

  • Several new toys are integrated in SLaVE as "Virgin Toys". They are variants of the, Insignia Set in Toys

  • All the former devices are now Toys, utilizing new approaches for keys and escape, and using the new Toys Effects

  • Many features provided in Toys Framework actually come from SLaV and have been improved and integrated becoming "effects" for toys. These effects are now used by SLaVE, and thus their MCM options can be found in the Toys MCM. Such features include:

    • Transforming Toys (visually different variant of the toy triggered by arousal, or being hit). You will see several new examples of transforming Virgin Toys. For example the famous Anal Torch has a few new tricks

    • Spontaneous Orgasm (was called Delayed Orgasm in SLaV) & Fondle Thyself

    • Exhausted

    • Force Stripping

    • Crawl

    • Harm HP

    • Sound Volume controls

  • Uses Toys "hide toys" feature in almost every animation scene, to provide "toy appropriate" scenes, a great improvement over the former SLaV

  • A few more scenes make use of facial expressions, which are now part of Toys

Other New

  • All text, such a dialogue, letters, pop-ups, notifications, MCM, have terminology updated to say "toy" not "device" (unless it's the Dwemer Device thing in a certain quest)

  • All the big Dragon Skulls used by SLaVE in the world, have become ethereal

LE/SE Differences & Compatibility

  • LE will continue to support, through Bodyslide, the CBBE HDT and UUNP HDT bodies (2 Bodyslide packages provided)

  • SE includes support, through Bodyslide, for CBBE, CBBE 3bbb, BHUNP, and UNP (4 Bodyslide packages provided)

  • SLaVE supports LE and SE using one code base and plugin, but there are still many differences in code branching and mesh/textures as follows:

    • Some hdt chains don't work in SE, so those toys have the chains removed (SE only), along with their sounds. There are some hdt chains that DO work in SE thus left in. One chain toy was removed completely because it sucked anyhow

    • Naughty non-vrigin Horns are solid in LE, but Ethereal in SE

    • Lively Lungs is turned off in SE because it breaks, hopeffully can be fixed beyond the beta period

    • The Foot Fetish Quest (where you lose your foot and have it replaced with Deer Hoves) is turned off for both LE and SE for beta. This is because there is much to do to make it work with Toys and some serious SE issues

    • Cart Duty appears to be very capable of "wigging out" in SE (wigging out is a technical term for physics making a mess). The wigging out occurs instantly if the Virgin Pony Tail is equipped, so for now, its not equipped (in both LE and SE). I've not turned off the quest so that SE users can help by reporting when it "wigs out". Also, see Troubleshooting for more info on work arounds if it wigs out

    • "height compensating" via script, I've not managed to get working reliably at all in SE and its not consistent in sexlab either. For both LE and SE you will see foot toys "phase into an alternate plain" for many scenes (its using the Toys Hide feature) and this is to remove the height from heels so that animations can align


  • MCM overhaled, primarily removing options that are now taken care of in the Toys MCM

  • Removed decreasing arousal by shouting, because Toys manages arousal differently. This was previously to offset spell casting arousal increases by DD. Note that with Toys' MCM, you have the means to adjust arousal increase/decrease

  • You may notice fewer toys in Bodyslide. Have no fear, they were moved to Toys, and will be managed by building toys for Toys in Bodyslide

  • Halloween mode is currently not ready to use during beta. You can turn it on but it will not function fully

Fun Fact

  • SLaVE scripts, in total, have 4500 less lines of code than the last SLaV. This is because Toys takes care of things that SLaVE no longer needs to do itself, such as "playing nice with other mods". Less code is best code


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