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Toy Story - Change Log - Archive for 2021

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Toy Story V1.21 - Jan 3/2022

  • New - Using Toys new Rousing

  • New - Alternate path in the Curious Curio Quest, allowing the quest to proceed if you use a mod that changes the College of Winterhold

  • New - Using new "ForbiddenActors" keyword on Wojtek. This, as an example, causes SLaVE to exclude considering Wojtek in a Love Shout scene. This will not take effect until a new game is started, but is non-critical

  • Fixed - rare case where the MCM Settings auto save feature could fail to load the settings

Toy Story V1.2 - Dec 13/2021

  • New - If you lost one of the special toys (the charging toys) you can return to Millonce for replacements

  • Changed - Charging toys make use of overhauled Toys Timed Transform Effect

  • Changed - Wojtek dance scenes now include Freecam, unless you have turned Freecam off in Toys MCM

  • Fixed - Sometimes Nelacar was being an ass about giving you keys when you return to him. Now he's not as much an ass, and to make up for it, will offer you a replacement foot fetish if you lost it

  • Fixed - Sometimes a toy-themed animation scene starts out with actors just standing there... is fixed. There was also a chance of misalignment that should go from rare to even rarer

  • Fixed - Sometimes (rarely), a pervert, propositioning you for "help" (the 3 toys-themed animation scenes) would stalk you, not taking no for an answer! Those perverts will give up now (there's a time out)

Toy Story V1.1 - Nov 21/2021

  • Fixed - Missing textures for the spanking chair & paddle, and 1 toy

    • If SLaVE is installed, you'd not be seeing this problem as it was drawing from SLaVE. If you have SLaVE installed this minor upgrade is not worthwhile

Toy Story V1.0 - Nov 19/2021 - Our Exit from Beta Release

  • New - Curious Curio Quest - Main quest. It was hinted at in the previously available "A Toy Story" quest. It's a "tribute to Zed", the lost quest, many of whom have been around for a long time miss and yearn for. But it does much more... play it and find out!

  • New - Curious Clothing Quest - a sand box style side quest involving 4 toy-themed custom animation scenes with many random scenarios giving a unique scene every time. The animations play independently (not using Sexlab)

  • New - Curio Toy Box - 38 toys. A variant of the Insignia Toy Box (that comes with Toys), using gold instead of chalice pink, and black instead of gray. These toys, like any Toy Box, are registered in Toys, and seen by other Toys content mods, so for example, Toyful Temptations will use them. All but 4 of the toys can be used without doing the quest

  • New - Charging Toys - These are not in the Toy Box and are acquired through the quest

  • New - A Certain Strange Creature, who will tap into your orgasmic energy to help you in battle... you will need to make use of the Toys Fondle and Denial features... that's all I'm saying

  • New - MCM now has the same Auto Save feature as in Toys - MCM Settings are Auto Saved when they change. Your last settings used are Auto Loaded when a new game starts or you load a save

  • Full support for male players

For Mod Authors:

  • Updated - Mod Events Notifications now include the new TimedTransform event

  • Toy Story V 0.92 - Sep 11/2021 New - for mod authors - the 4 new mod events are included in the MCM ModEvent Notification's feature (lets you see all Toys mod events triggering)

  • Changed - the New Toys Lively Lungs Effect is used on Nightly's Nipple T's

  • Changed - when toys are phased (hidden), feet toys are excluded now. Uses the updated Toys Heel Height compensator instead

Toy Story V 0.91 - Aug 8/2021 - must upgrade to 0.91 to work with Toys 1.1+

  • New - Thermal Toys - the Curio Toys that melt, are now Thermal

  • New - Scenes that "squirt" can be denied with the new Toys denial button

  • Changed - When the quest starts, it now sets itself to active in your journal, instead of you needing to choose that

  • Changed - The two new nod events in Toys, are included in the notifications that you can turn on in MCM to monitor all mod events

Toy Story V 0.9 - Jul 12/2021 - must upgrade to 0.9 to work with Toys 1.0

  • New - Buffs - Curio Toys now make use of the new Toys Buffs feature

  • New - MCM has new option "Mod Event Notifications". Turn this on to see all the mod events firing off

Toy Story V 0.8 - Jun 15/2021

  • New: Curious Curio Intro portion of quest done. There's much more to come, but you can go a little farther now

  • New: Toy Story is now fully male compatible

  • Changed: Nightly is now a serial outfit changer. She's taking advantage of as many toys from all the toy boxes, that she can get her hands on it would seem

  • Changed: Mod Initialization has been refined during game load and new game starts, to be more resilient to lag, vanilla start, and alternate starts

  • Fixed: There's no more exit door to confuse you and try to use in Nightly's place. When you use the chest to exit, it no longer waits for you to close it. The Phasing Stone will always let you return now

Toy Story V 0.7 (aka. Beta 5) - May 18/2021

  • New: Some functionality to demo the use of Toy Boxes, and random equipping from Toy Boxes:

    • Curse of Talos Quest - This is a small side-quest, making use of the new Toy Boxes and random toy selection. There's an hint on how it starts HERE

    • When Nightly appears, she may change the toys she wears, randomly. Initially she gives preference to the Classic toys if you have Classic Toy Box installed, but she's not against using toys from any box!

For Mod Authors:

  • New: MCM Tests now "exercise" the GetToys() and Toy Boxes. For example there's the "Random Equip from ANY box" (and others), which anyone may find entertaining!

Toy Story V 0.6 (aka. Beta 3) - Apr 29/2021

  • Changed: Demos and MCM Tests to be compatible with Toys v0.6

  • upgrading to this version is required to use with Toys v0.6

Toy Story V 0.5 (aka. Beta 3) - Apr 15/2021

  • MCM Test that equips the Insignia Set of toys, now Equips the new Bitch Boots

  • You can no longer use the Standing Stone, if not done the proceeding quest steps

For Mod Authors:

  • New: MCM tests added for the new Toys API functions HideToys() & UnHideToys()

  • Changed: "Demo 2" updated to use HideToys() / UnHideToys()

  • Changed: Some of the demos now use the new Store parameter in HandleToy(), and the new Destroy parameter in HandleToy() and UnequipToy()

Toy Story V 0.4 (aka. Beta 2) - Mar 21/2021

  • Changed: The dead body that was inside the Helgen exit cave, is now outside but near. This is to get away from the mod high traffic area where it was reported that at least one mod blocks off that cave

  • Changed: The Standing Stone now uses a single dildo. Yes no more double dildo that does not fit half the bodies people make

  • Fixed: 3 missing animation files for Exhausted (only effected SE) are no longer missing. This was the patch that was available shortly after Beta 1 released which you no longer need

  • Fixed: Dark faces (but according to reports, I failed this fix for SE, and so I will have to fix the fix in a future fix)

  • Fixed: Missing textures on Nightly's ravens

Toy Story V 0.2 (aka. Alpha 2) - Feb 26/2021

  • New Quest: A Toy Story - this is the complete introductory quest. Story and writing by Mercplatypus. Yes! Its the first published quest mod to use Toys. Toy Story has additional quests coming

  • New: First Trial Altar. Trial Altars are used to learn about features

  • New: Cloned a few toys from the Toys Insignia Set, customized with different effects for the Quest. This includes:

    • Curio Scanty Belt - Transforms twice (3 stages), first by hit in combat, then by arousal. It breaks, melts, forces you to crawl and exhausts. You will need it to transform in order to remove

    • Curio Anal Plug - Cannot be removed with a key. A powerful orgasm might force it off

    • Curio Wrist Cuffs - Will leave you in the dark on the details for this one, but it DOES have something to do with the new Hard Core mode

  • Updated: An MCM Test updated to include some new toys now available in Toys

For Mod Authors:

Each of these is documented within the code, in TStoryMain.psc

  • New: Demonstration code for Mod Authors, referenced by “Dev Tips” pop-up messages when the code is used during the quest. To see Dev Tips, toggle on in MCM (its off by default)

  • New: First Trial Altar (Demo Station). For mod authors, they aid in testing a new toy's effect

  • New: Wrappers for Calling Toys API, that may be useful to copy/paste/adapt in a mod


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