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SL to Toys&Love Bridge?

Will there be an 'interceptor' that reroutes Sexlab calls to Toys&Love?

Possible, yes. Realistic, no.

We've been getting this question a lot. We'd love to make a bridge if it could always work, not slow it down, and not be a hack. Not possible.

The API in Toys&Love is very different. It's not a Sexlab clone with 1 to 1 feature parity. This is because what's under the hood is very different and was designed for speed, ease of use, and integration. Matchmaking is built in. Integration with the toys is built in. The concept of orgies is built in. The only common thread is that we share the animation pack format. You don't make something better by cloning.

You could bridge the most basic calls that mods make to SL, which would be easy, and work, but then you have 100 edge cases that would take you longer to sort out than we spent making Toys&Love. The result would be, not a good user experience, and slow things down. And it would be a hack.

So many mods have "hacked" Sexlab (replaced part of its code) which is part of what led us to make the Love portion of Toys&Love in the first place. The hacks make SL no longer something you can trust to behave as you designed and tested your mod to work with.

Supporting Toys&Love is easy. Poke the mod authors. Ask them. An article here on different ways... Mod Authors - Using Toys&Love - Traditional / Soft / Script-less.

Soft dependency support is built in. Check the demo... Nexus: SE / LoversLab: SE&LE


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