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Dark Desires Club - Tips & Hints

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

Its not desire if there's no passion.
  1. New to Toys&Love? Read this first... Toys&Love - Tips, if you desire

  2. Dark Desires Club has secrets... See Hints below (no total spoilers)

  3. Some known issues, and solutions, are listed below



If you desire to work for the club, you are expected to be submissive. Once your obedience score is high enough, you are faced with the final challenge, and the option to leave. You can return anytime and be a Working Girl. If your obedience score instead reduces too much, the Mistress will send you to the Boss, to be dealt with.

What Raises your Obedience Score?

  • Performing well at lovemaking. Pleasing your partner. Meeting the clients' desires

  • Completing Tasks given to you by the Mistress with a passion

  • Winning in the arena, unless Mistress desires that you lose

What Lowers your Obedience Score?

  • Bad sexual performance with no passion. Not pleasing your partner

  • Agreeing to meet a client for lovemaking, then not showing up. Unfulfilled desires

  • Losing in the arena, unless Mistress desires that you lose

  • Being a bratty little bitch with clients

How to please your partner?

There are 5 potential outcomes during a love scene as follows:

Outcomes that please your partner

  • Player & Partner both climax together... A Simultaneous Orgasm. The best outcome

  • Player & Partner both climax, but separately

Simultaneous earns you the most obedience, separately still is a win unless dealing with the "boss" (Mistress is not the boss). For the boss, only simultaneous is passionate enough.

Some tasks require a "win" to complete. Example: If you desire for bondage to be removed, and Mistress demands that you please her first, you need the "win", not just to avoid lowering your obedience score, but also to earn bondage release.

Fail outcomes

  • Partner climaxes, Player does not. The best of the bad

  • Player climaxes, Partner does not... you are a selfish brat!

  • Neither climax... a fuck doll is more fun than you

How to Achieve Simultaneous Orgasm or Separate Orgasms?

Using Bondage Furniture

It's easy to get started, but may be confusing to STOP using. Instead of madly pressing buttons...

  • Some furniture can be exited by pressing the jump key (spacebar)

  • Most furniture requires that you wait for the "hud" to return, then target the activator and "use" it again. Often need to wait about 5 seconds, till the hud comes back into view (widget bars appear again). If you can't target the activator, using any control key (Jump/forward etc.) will work too, but with delay

  • Occasionally, to look around, you will need to use the FreeCam hotkey


Someone whispered "Dark Boxes"... Where they are, and who put them there... nobody knows.
Disobediant slaves get to meet the boss.
If you have debt or a bounty on your head, Mistress is probably not going to let you leave until paid off, even after completing the Final Challange!
Maybe you can rescue someone, WITHOUT paying a fortune in ransom.
Pickpocketing is harder then any schlong, and can land you in jail, if not kill you.
Maybe the boss ALSO has a key.
Rumor has it that Nicole wears "Cursed Armor" and it makes her sex-crazed.
Trying to please the boss may be difficult wearing certain toys. Maybe you should fight in the arena and earn a key?
Sometimes, clients take their sweet lazy-ass-loli-gagging time before going to the meeting spot. Be patient, they are entitled, maybe even nervous! (just opening dialouge with them may get them moving sooner)
Somebody left some lockpicks laying around.
The Sex Board is a future feature. Does nothing. No really, this is not a trick or secret, it's a future thing, I swear.

Solving Some Known Problems

(none of these issues is a DDC issue)

  1. If Mistress demands that you crawl, but you do not automatically crawl (it can be prevented by a toy), no problem... just walk around in front of her, she will accept it

  2. Can't target a sitting actor, to talk to them? - Restarting the game (full restart from desktop) will cure

  3. NPC decides to lose it, fly, and flap about? Restarting the game will cure

  4. Can't see a large monster in the arena love scene? Toggle freecam off.

  5. You have Wojtek from Toy Story summoning, and getting everyone excited?

    1. As of Toy Story v2.34+, Wojtek was banned from the club for drunken behaviour. He won't summon

    2. Kill him after his shield is down, or use Toy Story MCM - Reset Wojtek

    3. Remove the Wojtek Genital Toy (it's keyless if main quest done), so that he does not summon

  6. Dying for no reason... Solution: If using Toys&Love v2.61... Toys&Love MCM - Active Effects/Buffs - No Stacking with non-Toys Buffs - set off. ..... or upgrade to Toys&Love v2.62

Why NPCs don't have physics?

Why does this other mod I installed not change their bodies?


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